Thursday, December 20, 2012

Adjusting to life in KSA

Tomorrow will be Friday and will mark the 2 week mark since my arrival here in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

 Can I just say it feels like I have been here much longer then that it seems like its been months and I'm still dealing with climate change sickness which I really strongly hope it ends soon because I haven't been able to eat much since I been here, people told me I would gain wait when I get here I think I have done the opposite not that I'm complaining but I would really like to enjoy some of the yummy dishes without getting sick! like one of my viewers or followers said to me stay close to a bathroom for the first 2 weeks probably the best advice so far...

So far since I have been here I can say I honestly really love it, I love hearing the athan and qur'an during each prayers it's really nice to be able to pray on time and live among other Muslims. All though some experience have been rather pleasant and kind of scary and some frustrating!

lets talk about the scary experience... firstly I love wearing hijab and I praise and have high respects for the sisters who wear niqab as for me I'm not at that stage yet but after what has happened strongly considering it!  as a newbie to Saudi Arabia I went out shopping with my family and we are at a traffic light and I'm acting as a typical tourist looking at everything and I spot a man staring at me I didn't think anything of it until I realized he kept staring the whole time, as we drove of he waved his hand as in "come on over" and I just ignored it and didn't think  anything of it until we got home this guy followed my family all the way to our home and I know very little Arabic so it was kind of hard to explain to my father in law hey this man kept staring at me and he followed us after pointing him out to my father in law the guy drove away very quickly insha'allah probably while I stay here in Abha which is in the southern region of Saudi Arabia closer to the boarders of Yemen I will probably wear niqab until I at least move to Jeddah where it is more of a very laid back region of Saudi Arabia where you could actually not wear hijab at all which I found to be a huge surprise.....

 I think the most frustrating part of adjusting here in Saudi Arabia is not living here in Saudi its adjusting to the family life style and understanding them, when I got married to my husband we had lots of misunderstandings arguments and still do but not as much as we used to...I'm sure I am not the only Non Saudi daughter in law that has not had frustration with there in laws interfering with there parenting or trying to understand there "Good Intentions" as for me its been good and bad because 1. I try my best to take care of my kids and I do all the time but since I been here I guess I have taken advantage of the free babysitters so I can relax which I think is very much deserved since I have not had much of a break since both kids have been born. but at times when they tell me such as "the kids need a shower" I take it as if yallah go give ur kids a shower which translate into a good intention ( we want to help you) or to the laundry wallah I know how to use  washer  but apparently not it took probably literally more then an hour to get them washed it took my sister in law to do it for me I just wanted to tell her please just leave it on on setting and it will go by its self but alhumdullilah the laundry got done!!!

Wallah I have a lot of adjusting to do when it comes to family especially with them interfering when it comes to discipline I know its only natural to be the soldiers of defense when it comes to them get into trouble but sometimes I find it kind of irritating but I know it is only because they love them and they don't want them to cry or feel bad so I completely understand  but at the same time I will insha'allah stand my ground when it comes to taking care of them and when mommy says no I mean no or when mommy says her kids need a nap then they need a nap, I think and I know I can do this but it's just gonna take a while. and also it is going to take me a very very long time to get used to very very bad table manners such as eating with mouth open and spoon biting I told my husband to please investing a good pair of earplugs for meal times I know this may be no big deal to some but to others it is a major pet peeve....

I been spending so much time on the computer why? I really have no Idea why I should be in the kitchen learning to cook but wallah since I have been here I haven't felt good and my back "YA Allah" is killing me so if anyone knows of a chiropractor in KSA please let me know! but so far I have been able to copy down one recipe my sister in law made and it was a pretty good pasta meal rather simple and delicious but good at least I think so insha'allah I feel better soon so I can get on the ball of learning different arabic recipes I know its probably rather simple but still need to master the "Saudi coffee" and the "Saudi Tea" and on how they make the tea so lightly sweet, insha'allah as I keep adjusting to life here I know that eventually it will be a walk in the park....

Do I miss anything from America? I would be lying if I said no! but not everything do I miss! I miss mostly my family and seeing my regular friends, Walmart (Lol) and being able to take a walk if I'm pretty irritated, and some good old soul food (Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes gravy,corn,green beans) "Grejheher" <---that's my stomach talking lol and of course SNOW! I miss snow I was hoping to at least be snowed in at the airport but nope, alhumdullilah though I'm here and things are going well. I'm learning slowly how to speak in Arabic and also teaching the in laws English I think they will know enough English to talk to me before I will become able to talk to them enough in Arabic to communicate but insha'allah within time I will get it. so its getting close to Asr prayer time so please keep following my blogs, send me some advice in my comments below I am always happy meet new friends here in KSA I think honestly what has made adjusting pretty easy is actually having friends that I already knew here without them I think it would have made it a 100 times harder to adjust so I am rather thankful to you all, you know who you are <3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

heart broken for America

As I sit here in Saudi Arabia happily and feeling safe my heart breaks for my American people after the school shooting tragedy that killed 20 innocent children and the 6 adults at an Elementary school  in Newton Connecticut.  

We have seen these types of attacks time and time again, and they keep getting worse and worse, and for what reason? no one will ever know why other then after finding out that these people where psychologically ill such as personality disorders, depression, etc I think the system of  has failed to protect us and even there patients I mean come on if you know your patients 1. own firearms 2. your patient is suicidal, or could harm others then you should be doing your job by having there firearms taking away, I hear that this is allowed and the doctors that failed to do this honestly they should be held accountable...

Do I think that guns should be taking away in America? Yes and No!!!

Yes when it comes to Automatic weapons, assault weapons I have said this so many times and I know so many will probably criticize me for saying this especially family if they read this but this is my view ether except it or don't! anyways if your not in the Military, or in a war then really no need does any local civilian not fighting a war does not need these types of weapons, I have been fallowing the story closely and I have to agree with many of what them have to say like how many hunters go out and hunt with an automatic weapon??? I understand the need and want to defend and protect yourself but there are regular handguns, and shot guns that can do just that you don't need a military firearm...

As for tightening gun laws and security this is something that has been needed to be done since Columbine, we are making it way to easy for people to get these things like buying drugs off the street easy, what needs to be done is to screen each household member that wants to purchase or own a gun they need to go through the typical screening, lie detector test to make sure there not out for revenge, and a psychological screening to make sure they don't have a mental disorder that will make them snap and harm people... if someone in the house hold has one of these they should not be allowed to own a firearm at all, and if psychologist  doctors have patients that are a danger to society or them self then they need to do there job by keeping everyone safe by taking there guns away, seeking medical attention for them and put a house-arrest ankle bracelet to track them at all times and I think society has the right to know if they are in danger I think if the doctors fail to do any of these things they should be heal accountable for anything that happens...

I just really hope that America you get this straightened out and I think President Obama will do the right thing by banning these military weapons I know many do not like Obama and I as well am not for everything he stands for but I think he is doing the best he can and lets face it he has the toughest job in the world you can't make anyone happy you will always have someone to complain or criticize but I think he is doing the best he can and I think with him banning military weapons and working out a way to help the people who are psychologically ill I think tackling these to things will help a lot so Insha'allah (God Willing) I hope that they will get this straightened out and its sad that it had to take a horrific tragedy of innocent children being killed to have something done, assault weapons should have been banned along time ago and stayed that way....

I know that this phrase is going to come up if anyone comments....

 " Guns don't kill people, people kill people??? Really this quote is starting to really get on my nerves, have you forgotten what a GUN is designed for??? its designed to Kill!!! yes the person behind the gun is killing but the GUN is doing what its designed to do which is to Kill!!!"

Yes and the comment "Well a car is a weapon" no its not! its transportation something that is not designed to kill, when Guns, swords, are designed to kill what ever you have it aimed at....anyways I know that my views on this topic may tick off people or some may agree ether way these are my views and I will stand up for what I think is right, just like the ones who think Guns should not be banned think its right to keep them...

May the innocent children that died in this horrific tragedy may Allah (GOD) grant them Jennah (heaven) Insha'allah...

some of the innocent little ones that lost there lives in this horrible tragedy my heart and prayers are with you that you all get through this....

some of you may wonder why do you care your in Saudi Arabia? well for 1. I'm still American, and 2. I have family in America and I love them very much and friends and I would never want this to happen to any of them....

words of our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) very sad but very true today!

May Allah (GOD) keep everyone safe and make wise choices in what you all do <3

Learning the language

When coming to Saudi Arabia I knew that it would be slightly difficult to communicate with the people around me such as my family!  I kind of wish I would have push myself to know more then what I know I guess I am well not "guess'' I am!!! the reason why I don't know that much I mean I try to pick up words here and there but I quickly forget them and not write them down.  

Just like I know the Arabic alphabet for a while I knew it by heart by reading the letters but when I stop practicing after awhile I completely forget and have to start from scratch and this is something I need to work on and I think that being here in Saudi Arabia will ether push me to learn the hard way and be difficult or be easy. 

Since living with my husbands family I have found it to be rather educational literally everything is like a game of charades pointing and telling them in English and I can at least ask "what is this" in Arabic which is "Aish Hatha" when writing Arabic in English lettering there is no wrong way of spelling it as long as you can pronounce it :) but every small word that I have been learning I jog it into my phones notebook. I should probably write it in my notebook in case something happens to my phones memory and it gets deleted but I feel bad that I didn't push myself harder , I sometimes feel like that my family will learn English before I learn to speak Arabic...

Insha'allah soon we will be migrating from Abha to Jeddah which is where my husband will insha'allah be working and hopefully I can take some classes there on learning to speak arabic and learning at this point I don't care if its Egyptian dialect or Saudi I just want to be able to speak and be able to understand and I think that is what is the most important thing is to be able to speak the language I mean I can understand my family surprisingly a little bit  when they are telling me to do something, I use the word insha'allah (if God Willing) a lot lol if I don't understand but I think slowly slowly I will get it, after all this is my passion and what I love so insha'allah may Allah make it easy on me...

I hope to insha'allah learn more effective ways on remembering the words I learn I have some people tell me to allow the people to make fun of you so you learn to speak and say the words correctly, and some just say to write them down and just keep repeating them, insha'allah I think with both of these methods it will help a lot insha'allah because I know I can do it, because before when I actually pushed myself I was able to read Arabic until I got to the connecting part then it was kind of difficult but I have faith in myself that I will get it insha'allah I may not be fluent but will be able to at least talk to get me through life here in the KSA (Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia)...  

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1 week living in Saudi Arabia

Today marks 1 week since I have been living here in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and there are so many things that I have been amazed about and things that has made me raise an eyebrow...

I think for any Muslim it should be an honor to live in a Muslim country it truly is an amazing experience, for 1. to hear the Athan for every prayer, 2.being able to hear the qur'an being recited throughout the city
 during the prayers is honestly so beautiful and for me so soothing, what better way of keeping the shaytan (satan) away then hearing the words of Allah.  I know that some say well couldn't you have moved to places in America that provided these things? well firstly that I know of there are 1 place that I know of that does the athan out loud and there still being temptation all around you it sometimes makes it difficult. as for me I lived in communities that had a very small Muslim community and very few Muslim friends to communicate with the ones that I did befriend where true Muslim friends who reminded me of Allah....

Some say that you don't need to move to another country in order to be a better Muslim. yes this is true but being in a society around people who will always remind you of Allah and away from temptation it honestly is very beneficial because good behavior and attitude is like the spark of a fire one spark an it catches on to everyone around you. Here in Saudi Arabia there are a lot of things that are not permissible such as Alcohol,Clubs,Pornography,dressing immodestly , even pornography sites are prohibited here, and also no casinos,pork basically everything that Allah (God) has forbidden in all the other religions is not allowed here and honestly its a lot better that way to keep the mind pure and away from the things that can cause corruption and destroy families.

Let me just say this Saudi Arabia is a very young country and growing right before everyone's eyes that lives here. my first impression when I got here was wow this is Saudi Arabia because there are a lot of buildings that are torn down and a lot of buildings being built and this is all over the KSA parts like Riyadh, Al-khobar,Makkah, Dammam where there are a lot of western foreigners are the most developed and cleaned up cities so far, I haven't been to these places yet but I really look forward to it so I guess my expectations of some parts of Saudi Arabia where not at all what I expected, but hey who am I to judge its a young growing country and it takes a lot of polishing to shine the most beautiful Jewel (KSA)...

Some things that have kind of annoyed me is the trash everywhere I know its easier to throw things on the ground but come on guys its not that hard to throw it in the trash, this country is so beautiful and you guys are destroying it by throwing your garbage everywhere.... I visited a city that is close by Abha  called Al-souda beautiful mountain area but once you look down the mountain you see lots of trash and lots of graffiti everywhere, I think this is probably my only critisizm so far while being here, is the littering (throwing garbage on the ground)  it makes me want to start up a clean up crew to help clean up the beautiful kingdom and it maybe very well something that I would really love to do because come on guys Allah gave us a beautiful earth to take care of not destroy...

One of the beautiful things that I have seen here besides the call of prayer and hearing the qur'an in the cities, is how neighbors treat one another... the second night that I was here we had a lot of food and I am always hearing and seeing pictures of lots of food in the trash (not saying it don't happen) and I asked what are you going to do with all of the food? and they said we give it to the neighbors. when we have huge celebrations or large amount of food we share it with others, I thought this was a beautiful thing and one of the ways that Islam has beautified the people and there hearts is by taking care of one another by feeding them and helping them with nothing expected in return and this is the true beauty of Islam, not what you see or think is right about Islam...

When Islam is applied to the daily life in our ways, our talk, our actions then people will see how beautiful Islam and the word of Allah is because Islam truly is a very peaceful religion and it saddens me that so many people believe, and its so unfair to think and believe an image when your not sure or without researching it first it really makes a person ignorant doing this because if people really knew how Islam was and how beautiful the Sharia law is and understanding it then there would be a lot more peace because sharia law is not about killing innocent people, or killing if you don't become Muslim this is not Islam!

My only advise to those who think they know about Islam or Muslims is go to a Muslim country and see for yourself because even myself I had the wrong picture of Islam and Muslim countries and learning about different things has not only opened my mind about the truth but has educated me in the true ways of life and accepting and appreciating what I have and living here in Saudi Arabia for the week that I have spent here so far has taught me just that and I look forward to more...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

weekend in Saudi Arabia

Today was my first weekend in Saudi Arabia, weekends in Saudi Arabia begin from Wednesday to Friday, and normally families will go to the beach to relax or in my case since I'm staying in Abha we went to a city called Al souda (SODA) lol! which is high in the mountains, where they literally touch the clouds... 

let me just say this I love all of you Saudis but wallah you guys are crazy drivers, while driving up the mountain side there where cars passing each other which put them literally on our side of the road that is how crazy they drive I mean I'm sure you guys are good drivers but stay safe I was literally holding my kids back so in case there was an accident I could block them from flying lol!

While in Al Souda we took so many pictures and stopped in several places let me just say  this place is absolutely beautiful, a lot of families come here during the weekend for picnics... our first stop was at the side of a road where there where lots of bamboo let me just say the zoo's have them behind cages for a reason these monkeys where crazy we stopped the car and they all came running to the car and where on top of the hood, I was like omg there gonna get inside the car we rolled the windows up very very quickly, but they are very skid-dish so with the honk of horn or just a swooshing move they ran away, but we threw them some bread and that was pretty entertaining because the bread was still in the bag and they are pretty smart they knew how to open the bag and eat it but wallah they scared the crap out of me...

We drove to this one area of Al-Souda where the mountains where very deep and the clouds where literally on top of you, it was so beautiful  Subhan'allah to be able to touch them and them to blow over you, wallah Allah is the best of creation! From the distance of the mountain top we where at was the palace of one of the princes, Masha'allah it was a huge palace but very beautiful I'm not sure if it was allowed to take pictures of the palace but I did :D I told my husband think they need any extra employees lol!

Today was truly a very happy and fun day I really enjoy the trips I take with my father in law and husband, my father in law is one of the sweetest people I have ever known, he makes me cry though not in a bad way but in a happy mode... Earlier we where gathered around eating our late lunch and he was telling me that he loves me as his own daughter and he loves me like he loves his own daughters and that we are part of his heart, wallah I wanted to cry but all I could do is accept the happy memory moments.

So far my stay in Saudi Arabia even though its been only a week, ( can't believe its been a week already) but wallah I love it here, Saudi Arabia has a lot of developing that is taking place but I assure you that the people are kind, and very welcoming some of the best-est friends and people I have ever met are from here and I think without them my process to adjusting here would be much more difficult and alhumdullilah I am for ever grateful to them <3

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Residency in Saudi Arabia

So I am apply for a residency for here in Saudi Arabia so that way it will be permissible for me to be able to work, little did I know that the process for this major step would be literally traumatizing...

In order to obtain a residence in Saudi Arabia you have to go through a routine checkup where they check for any illness such as TB, malaria etc and also you need at least 3 to 4 pictures for your Icama card which is your proof of residency card you will receive. 

I am in a smaller city in Saudi Arabia called Abha so the clinic that I had went to was a well a clinic ran by donations, lets just say if your in America, or in at least Europe with clean and very well developed medical technology say Alhumdullilah and consider yourself lucky! The things I had to do well they ask for a sample of urine and for some they ask for poop (SHUTTERS) but luckily I didn't  have to do this I only had to do the urine one sorry for the TMI details but anyway that alone was traumatizing!

this is the type of bathroom that I had to use, it was utterly disgusting and it was extremely difficult to do anything in there but alhumdullilah that was the only small part of the traumatization lets just say if this clinic where in America it would have been shut down imeditely for many health care violations, 1. the woman that drew my blood was also using her cell phone and let alone they where using no longer used needles to draw blood and waving it around I mean sheesh what would have happened if someone walked by they would have been jabbed with the needle... and after drawing the blood she squirted my blood in the vile tube an just tossed it in the trash....

this is the old needles that they used that America no longer uses since they changed to the safety syringe... 

I think the bathroom samples and blood drawing where the most tramatizing part of the whole experience, the x-ray part was not as bad other then they didn't want to give me a guard to put on that they normally would do in the US to protect the ovaries but luckily I insisted and explained why and they gradually said ok they probably thought "complicated american girl" lol...I was so happy to get out of that clinic this place kind of reminded me of a clinic you would find in Africa it was that bad I think I probably over sanitized my hands, but in the end the whole experience will be worth it insha'allah so when I finally receive my Icama  (residency Card) I will be able to work here in Saudi Arabia insha'allah!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Home is where the heart is...

Home really is where the heart is, in my case with my family...

 My husbands family I have to say are the most sweetest kindest people I have ever met masha'allah, my husbands mother who has had some and still has some major health issues due to 2 kidney transplants I have never seen anyone as strong as she having a positive outlook on the life and such a kind hearted person that loves Allah and everyone else for the sake of Allah, I could not imagine how anyone could not ever like this kind soul....every time I want to help out in the kitchen she always insist that I go sit and go relax but I want her to relax because of her health problems she sometimes gets edema in her feet and can only eat some foods other wise she would be very sick, miskeen wallah so I try to help her out the best way that I can....

As for my father in law wallah you have no idea how good it feels to have a father that says your my daughter and beautiful, my husband had lost my phone so we thought he did but we forgot he gave it to me earlier in the day so he was searching searching and finally in the end he told me search in your purse, I told him it's not in there but I'll look and his father was there too and sure enough my phone was there in my purse wallah I felt so embarrassed and his father jokingly took off his igal an pretended that he was going to hit me but instead you are my beautiful daughter, wallahi I wanted to cry because it is something I have not heard in such a long time but we all had a good laugh wallah I love him and my mother in law very much masha'allah and really look forward to creating happy memories...

Today we had people come over for a dinner they invited some relatives and but before there arrival his sister which is my husbands younger sister she is as well as her other sister are the sweetest young ladies I have met I am more then happy to call them my sisters, anyway before our guest arrived she helped with my makeup and masha'allah she did such a good job that I looked totally different but I absolutely love how that they have welcomed me into there family and treated me as if I am a part of the family, I still have well 2 more that I haven't met my husband has 2 brothers and 3 sisters, I met his older brother at the airport who was kind enough to tell me "welcome to the family" this was very touching and heart warming to hear, and his older sister I really look forward to meeting her....

The dinner with the invited family I think went rather well masha'allah a couple of his relative spoke English so I was not completely out of the loop of things, but when it came to the dinner time masha'allah the food was so delicious lamb with rice which was different colors of orange and yellow, I can't remember the name of it but it was so delicious, I was concerned that they where going to throw the rest of the food away because that's what I always hear but they share it with the neighbors, or friends which I found such a beautiful thing to do and very generous...

My husbands family are very kind and loving people I am so happy that there grandparents love them so much and are enjoying them and they have so much fun together, and for me I get to have some free time at last so woohoo for that lol.

overall I don't think I have felt this content in a very long time, I know that there are some things I will need to adjust to but I think insha'allah within time that I will get the swing of things and I will be very happy, do I miss home? of course I love my family but really I love it here and I am for ever grateful to Allah for making it possible for me to live here....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

First Impressions of KSA

My first impressions of KSA so far its only been 2 days since I have been here so there will be plenty of time to be impressed, I have seen a lot of interesting things and tried some new foods... my first day went to the Mall of Arabia it was very nice masha'allah very big and the restaurants inside seemed so very relaxed  each area has its family section and then section for the males which apparently they are allowed to smoke that is something we are not allowed to do at all is smoke in the malls or the restaurants or even within 100 feet of the restaurant, or mall...I finally was able to try Al Baik, which is a place kind of like KFC (Kentucky fried chicken) but Al Baik should I say 10000000x's better then KFC the skin has this flavoring to it and the chicken it's self is so juicy and delicious and the garlic sauce let's just say I could eat that and the chicken by it's self, I'm getting hungry as I'm talking about this so time to change topic lol....

let me not forget to mention the difference of the American Airports and Saudi Arabia Airports in America we are so used to the little tunnel thing connected to the airplane to get onto and to get off our flight, well "haha" not in Saudi Arabia we had to walk down a long flight of stairs to get off our plane and then on to a shuttle bus to the actual airport and went through the security screening where I had to put my fingerprints and take a picture the poor guy had to explain to me 100 times probably on what to do lol and lets not talk about the picture my hijab was a bad hijab day and I couldn't fix it right away so they got a good shot of hijabi gone bad lol...

I was expecting for Jeddah to be a little bit more crowded when I arrived but I arrived on a Thursday, which is considered a weekend here in Saudi Arabia Thursdays and Fridays are there weekends, and some of the areas in Jeddah are still in a development some buildings are torn down and some are very nice and some are little well I guess in America terms would be the a little rough looking but the area was considered a pretty safe neighborhood. overall the apartment I stayed at was very nice the different sections the "Male section" and "female sections" and the female servant is something that I found interesting even though I know its very common here to have one I just never had seen one lol I sound like a true "foreigner"...

The first days in Abha I was blown away with the weather on how different it was in Jeddah, Jeddah was in the 80's which is considered there "winter" and here in Abha which is a mountain area it was nice and breezy and cool like around the 60's...

 meeting my husband's family at the airport it was only his Father, and his older brother and uncle his father masha'allah such a sweet person, and his brother seemed very kind too was very nice of him to tell me "welcome to the family" was a very comforting I guess is the word to use it was such a sweet moment honestly meeting his family they are some of the most sweetest most kind people I have ever met his sisters have already literally put the "niqab" on me to see how I look and gave it to me saying insha'allah you will wear it lol, hopefully within time I will but at this point I'm not ready to. when it came to the meal time I really wanted to help but I was in-forced to go sit and relax since I had such a long flight meal time when it came to the time to eat It reminded me of lions in a way because the female lion kills the meal and the males eat first then after the males the women eat second I'm not sure if this is how it is in all the families but I found it very fascinating.

I think one of the best things so far being in Saudi Arabia is being able to live Islam on how it's supposed to be lived, by the men and the women respecting each other and not mingling, to praying our daily prayers on time hearing the ecama (call of prayer) is so beautiful my father in law is one of those that does the call of prayer very beautiful masha'allah,I still have a lot to get used to, from learning the Saudi currency...I know some of you are probably thinking why couldn't you apply Islam in America, well it's just really not the same it really isn't I have a lot of adjusting to do but honestly I do not regret my coming here I really look forward to growing and learning and being among the Saudi people and learning there lifestyle some people think that it was an a phase I was going through or just a need for attention from Saudis but really its not that at all I really love the Saudi people they have impacted me to the point to want to live with them and that is very big for me and really a dream come true Alhumdullilah 100 times Alhumdullilah!!! <3

Departure to KSA (kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Departing to Saudi Arabia has always been a dream but the actual departure was honestly a nightmare..

Leaving Iowa was a pain in the bum while checking our bags into the airport I had to sit in the car which your not supposed to park at the airport where you drop people off or pick there was a police officer that kept coming around and yelling at me because we where in the same spot for to long, like seriously? we where not in any ones way I don't see the big deal but that's regulations I guess...

we had to fly with United Airlines before we actually connected to our main airlines which is "Saudi Airlines" we had a total of 6 bags we where supposed to pay only 300.00 but ended up paying 500.00, after checking all of our bags in we had  to literally run after security check and my pat down it didn't help that we had a million carry on bags note: don't carry on more then a couple carry on bags if you don't need to it's a pain in the bum, but as soon as arrived to the gate and finally got situated in our seats it was finally relaxing. we where supposed to stay on our airplane we got onto going to Washington DC but we had to stop in Chicago and found out we had to actually change our plane "SIGH" alhumdullilah we had a few minutes to relax before getting onto that plane I was utterly tired but was more eagerer to get to DC and get on to the plane for KSA...

arriving to Washington DC I was just happy to get there even though we had to go from one side of the airport to the other I was so tired that we had to sit down for like a half hour before going to our gate, let me tell ya I got a good workout that day lifting and pulling things and walking I'm hoping I burned off some weight lol... after our long 6 hour lay over in DC we walked to our gate I seen the Saudi Arabian Airlines plane and a huge smile came to my face I was just over joyed that finally my dream is becoming a reality but it was a nightmare before it became a happy reality... the Saudi Arabian Airlines had told us that my daughter who is 17 months old didn't have a ticket which she did but they didn't see her in the system until my husband showed them the ticket number, and then when it came to loading the plane they had to verify our bags on where it would go to wallahi I was so annoyed and tensed honestly I wanted to hit a wall but alhumdullilah once we got onto the plane I was able to finally relax well I kind of relaxed.... 

The Flight to Saudi Arabia....was well not bad even though my daughter vomited on me 2 times the first time I washed my hijab in the bathroom sink using the anti bacterial hand soap and cleaning my daughter the whole entire time she nursed and was very whinny I think if it wasn't for that it would have been much more relaxing because she didn't want to even want to eat anything and I was to scared to give her anything...all though the trip was good the food was decent and the flight attendants where very helpful to my daughters throwing up to any thing that we needed so my overall experience on the plane with the Saudi Arabian airlines was very good....

Arriving to KSA I was so excited as we got closer the dreams of arriving where becoming a reality I was super excited to finally get off the airplane but was shocked at the weather in Jeddah  because my husband told me that it was supposed to be in the 50-to 60's and it turned out to be in the 80-to 90's which happens to be the temperature for there winter it was actually nice to meet old friends again it made my arrival here a little bit more relaxing and able to adjust more, but I have so much to learn and look forward to it insha'allah!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The last day in Iowa

It is 12/05/2012, 9:57pm the night before we fly to Saudi Arabia, the last days here or day here in Iowa was honestly really bitter sweet.

Tomorrow will defiantly be the emotional day for me, 1. I am leaving my family all behind and I will miss them all well some of them very much! 2. America is the only place I have ever lived even though I have traveled state to state while living here and only visiting 2 countries Canada and Mexico Canada I really don't count as a different country because its so much like America and as for Mexico well I went there 20 something years ago  and both of these countries are completely opposite of Saudi Arabia different life style, culture, religion I'm used to the religion part been Muslim for 10 years now Alhumdullilah, but never have lived in a Muslim country. Since I have been Muslim I have been fascinated with Saudi Arabia the people, culture, lifestyle now that I'm married into it sometimes I ask myself what the heck was I thinking...but the day that I have been waiting for since then is finally here....

everything has been really hectic packing bags, weighing bags, taking things out of the bags to get them to weigh the right weight to be able to fly "ugh" talk about the back pain I wish I could visit my chiropractor one last time because I know it will be a long time until I get a proper adjustment...Today we visited our favorite restaurant "Red Robin" that we have been to so many times we have grown pretty fawn of the staff that work there for there excellent service the manager who is a very kind person he would always bring the kids little mandarin oranges well tonight  was bitter sweet the manager paid for our meal making it a bittersweet visit but they got a good tip in return but we will stay in touch insha'allah and send a post card.

I will really miss my family especially my mom I love her very much and it breaks my heart that she cries over me but don't worry mom, I will be fine! I know that some of my family hope I do not like it there so I come back but who knows Insha'allah (If God Willing) maybe I will love it, maybe I hate it but ether way I think its always nice to hope the best for someone even though we don't like there choices.... I know my family loves me and I love them all very much too yes even the ones that have completely ignored me calling it "tough love" no matter what I will love them all and hope insha'allah they will at least be happy for me for the fact that I am happy and living my life maybe not the way they planned but happy because for once in my life I am happy....

My last words before I head to bed for the night to friends or family struggling with life  I know some of you wonder what your purpose you have in life or think you don't have anything going for you.... well everyone has a purpose in life that is why God put you here and God will test the ones that he loves.... 

So my words of advice and inspirational input: 
"Find something you love so much that you have passion for and dream about once you find that hold on to it and run with it and keep going until you reach your finally destination in life in where you want to be in life, and do not worry what others will say or think there will always be people around you who are jealous because they can't or don't have the courage to go for what they want so be happy for yourself you deserve it and don't worry what others say or think if it makes you happy and makes you feel good about yourself and mostly important God would be happy with you then you have found your place then after that you live your life for God, because without out God in the center of everything nothing is possible Prayer is key and just because God does not give you what you want just remember God has another plan to get you where you need to be"....

Sunday, November 25, 2012

what to do?

one of the frequent questions I get are what do you plan to do in Saudi Arabia??? 

Firstly my main first main goal when I come to Saudi Arabia is to slowly adjust to the surroundings such as learning to cook multiple Saudi dishes and learning the lifestyle... secondly I plan to insha'allah to get a Business degree because I would like to retail and maybe franchise with some companies, and on top of that my biggest goal and dream is to study Islam not sure what I want to major in Islamic studies I'm fascinated with Hadiths so I will have to see when I get there and see how things go after I get through the beginning courses such as the Arabic which I know will take a while or a lifetime for me to learn properly but insha'allah I will get the hang of it.

 I hope and wish  when I go to Saudi Arabia or travel through out the Muslim countries I have bought a camcorder just for this, I hope to insha'allah make video documentaries while I stay there, Why?? well because we always see such negative things about Saudi Arabia and about all over the Muslim region countries and I feel that it is my duty as an Muslim and as an American to show the true image of how peaceful Muslims do live I mean all countries have there problems but everyone thinks that Muslims are always killing each other and blowing each other up or making plots against America and I just want to help shine a positive light I mean its the most I can do for the sake of Allah and for my brothers and sisters...

something else I plan to do when I come to Saudi Arabia is to insha'allah sell from there, it will be so much easier to get my hands on abayas, books, etc I actually have something planned for when I am able to get things going once I get settled what that plan is, is to when  I start retailing insha'allah on my website that I will create. insha'allah I would love to have a section just for revert Muslims where they can send a request for a qur'an or abayas or thobes for guys if needed to help them start there journey in Islam for free all they would have to pay is for shipping, how it will work? is a work in progress and still a lot of ideas are popping up so Insha'allah everything works out as I plan. I'm sure there will be stores that will work with me to help which I'm sure wont be a problem insha'allah so I hope insha'allah this clears up any question on "What do you plan to do in KSA" ?

I know that some of the people who will or who are going to be following my blog are secretly or making bets with there friends thinking "ha ha she's gonna fall on her face" or hoping that I fail or just want to sit and laugh at everything I say or talk about but hopefully insha'allah you are not that shallow and will wish the best for me, hopefully I will not have any problems and may Allah make it easy for me because anyone that truly knows me, knows that coming to KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) has been a very long dream come true so its not just a phase its my dream and no one can stand in the way of someones dream unless Allah decides its time or has another plan for me and I have faith in Allah from the very beginning with the dreams that I have had being in Saudi Arabia and fighting to stay a sleep to not wake up, I feel this is Allah's way of saying you will be happy so I have no fear but nothing but faith in Allah that things will work as Allah has planned for me... <3

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Emotional roller coaster

Today is 11/18/2012 and insha'allah with in 2 or 3 weeks we will be flying to Saudi Arabia insha'allah, so far we have sold pretty much all the major things like the living room set, and the kids things we still are in need to sell our dinning room set I swear people are really cheap when it comes to buying things I understand the need to save money but sheesh we have had to drop prices just to get rid of things...

so lately since the kids literally have no crib or toddler bed they sleep with me on the bed or sometimes we make a bedding on the floor, ehk wallahi I can not wait until they have there own sleeping quarters I love my kids but I need a long good nights rest but the kids there adjusting well. I think they know something is going on but they are quite not sure what it is I just hope insha'allah that they will adjust well to the move.

 I know the flying is the biggest worry that I have I'm not gonna lie as I told many people before I'm more afraid of the long flight then going to Saudi Arabia, I have a 3 year old and a 18 month old and my 3 year old doesn't want to potty train like I hoped so I have 2 small kids in diapers and I keep thinking how is this gonna work when I have to change them? I hope insha'allah its not going to be to bad and it will go smoothly I know every body is telling me don't worry they have changing areas in the plane and you can get up and walk around with the kids and make sure to bring lots of things for them to do such as coloring, games, etc I hope I'll have more then enough things for them to do let alone calm my anxiety for the whole entire trip....

as for my emotional roller coaster ride, as everything sells I feel slightly depressed I have just recently sold one of the kids's toys and I felt so bad for selling it but there is no way that we could take it with us it would be to expensive to have it shipped over there and I already have a huge box of toys that we are going to ship over to Saudi Arabia before we go I cried when I sold my living room set because that was the first major thing I ever purchased on my own and it was sad to see it goI know Insha'allah that the ending out come of it all will be a happy ending but now that everything is getting so close anxiety and nerves are taking tole and honestly  its interfering with my appetite that I'm not eating as much because i'm just nervous and I just want everything to be sold and we are at the airport so I can finally relax...

another thing that has been toying with my emotions is for 1 its around the holidays Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I wont be going home before I leave to see my family so that is a little hard to sink in and also even though I don't celebrate Christmas I absolutely love the Christmas lights the holiday music the holiday shopping  just the atmosphere of everyone enjoying this favorite time of the year its just that its all that I have ever known my whole life and in a few weeks it is all going to change and I will get to learn and experience a whole different way of life.

 I'm at least excited that this will be my first Ramadan, and Eid in a Muslim country so insha'allah the atmosphere of being around my own people "Muslims" it will shake this homesickness feeling of missing the non Muslim holidays I am so excited for that and even more that I will insha'allah get to make ummrah shortly after I arrive there, and anyone that has met me and knows my story on how I became Muslim and my fight to come to the "kingdom of Saudi Arabia" will know how much of a reality dream come true this is for me and I can never be more grateful enough to mostly Allah and the people that Allah sent to me to make it possible may Allah reward these people insha'allah and may this experience of the lifetime of happiness as it always is in my dreams <3


so today is 11/20/2012 I thought I would blog a little bit while I take a break from clearing out the kids's closet I decided to clear out there dressers and use there suitcases for the remaining 2 weeks that we have left as there dresser, as things are coming around the corner I'm seeing suitcases being packed things are really starting  to come in to focus and into reality and I'm thinking holy crap this is really happening I'm happy but at the same time so overwhelmed with what we have left to sell which is not much but as I mentioned in the beginning people are so frigging cheap they want things close to nothing I have dropped prices left and right just to get stuff out of here hopefully insha'allah everything goes quickly and we can get the ball rolling...

so another emotional road block I have hit I have kept several toys that I know that the kids play with and I know that they will be pricey to re-buy in Saudi and guess how much it weights???? "38 pounds and 33 ounces shipping it through united states postal service would cost me up to almost 600.00  when I seen that price my throat and my stomach combined and I was like choking like wth I really want to take these toys with me so hopefully we can find a shipping service that will not charge us a bunch of money just to ship there toys I just really want them to be happy and have the things that they love maybe that's the problem for the 600.00 but its a sacrifice I'm willing to make so they will be happy and adjust well to the things around them...

Today is 11/26/2012 and less then a 2 weeks or even in a week I will be leaving my apartment to stay at a hotel for the remainder time here in America to go to Saudi Arabia, can you guess where my emotional feelings are now??? I don't think I have any at this point they are all mush and grinned into my stomach I have been eating less these days and you would think that I would have lost some weight with all of this stress and worrying and all the stuff I have been dealing with, but nope still the same hopefully it will fall off as I arrive in Saudi with all the emotions coming up to my throat I just want to get his all done and over with and get to the airport so I can relax that's if there will be any relaxing when I arrive lol...

Today is 12/2/2012  and I we 4 days away from the our departure date to go to Saudi Arabia everything has been pretty hectic getting bags packed, getting rid of stuff we no longer need buying new clothes and things that will be much more expensive in KSA, I am literally exhausted sick to my stomach not because of the trip but for the fact we have been eating pretty crappy these days a lot of take out and my body is telling me enough of this crappy food give me some veggies and fish or chicken. 

Everyone is kind of tensed I'm more tired then tensed well I guess both  because I haven't had a decent amount of sleep since I got rid of the children's bed those where the first things that I sold I know that's only the minor stuff to be exhausted about our flight date is terrifying enough, because we have to be at the airport at 6am so we have to get up around 3 to 4 am to get up and head to the airport and we have a connecting flight before we actually get to our international flight, we are connecting with United Airlines before we get on Saudi Arabia Airlines it's not a bad thing but United Airlines since they don't have a contract with KSA Airlines then we have to pay 100.00 extra for any extra bags alhumdullilah only 3 of us have actual tickets because it would be 400.00 we would paying instead of 300.00 and it don't help when each back has to weigh in at 50 pounds  there has been a lot of removing and getting rid of stuff just to get the bags to weigh the right weight luckily there are 6 bags so we should be able to get this tackled down.

 I just want the day to get here so we can get on the plane and just get going so I can finally relax I guess my only fear is flying with the 2 small kids I've said it before but flying with 2 kids in diapers since my 3 year old is giving me such a hard time with potty training i'm more worried about him during diapering then my 17 month old, but Insha'allah everything will play out well so far I have gotten the kids a couple coloring books, a travel game of go fishing and some toys to hopefully get the kids entertained if the movies on the airplane are not enough but I hear that they have plenty of things to keep them through the airlines so Insha'allah once we are flying I'm sure my nerves will settle down but I am hopeful and have faith in Allah that everything will work out just fine insha'allah <3

it is 12/4/2012, 2 days before our departure to Saudi Arabia and can you talk about the twisted nerves? we are doing the last minute things such as getting rid of food, clothes, doing the last batch of laundry I am so excited and so nervous but not as nervous as I have been but so ready to get the ball rolling and finally get on the airplane everyone is tensed so things are like walking on egg shells right now but overall so far so good alhumdullilah, I know this is a short blog update but I have so much to do that I couldn't right much but what's going right now because we literally have well I thought 2 but today is almost over with so 1 more day -------> Insert scream here "AAHHhhhhhhhgrrrrrh"<------- I am really going to miss Iowa  and especially the snow, it hasn't snowed yet and I was hoping to see one last snow fall but alhumdullilah who knows maybe the snowfall would have kept us snowed in at the airport, I will mostly miss my friends and the community of the people around here but Insha'allah I will adjust well and make new friends and enjoy my new surroundings...<3

Saturday, November 10, 2012

strange questions...

I always have a million ideas on how Saudi Arabia will be like I know its going to be very different from America, but how different will it be? I find myself asking my poor husband the most bizarre questions like do they have windows in the houses like they do here? are the toilets just a hole in the floor? to believing the oddest things my husband tells me like today it was like in the 70's so nice and breezy and he tells me this is how the winter is in Saudi and people wear coats i'm like "really"???? wallah I have a lot to learn because I am a little not a little more like I am very naive on what I have to look forward to. 

I only ask on how will I adjust to the time change? what happens when I can't sleep while everyone else is I always have so much running through my mind on how it will be but it wont be much longer until I am able to tell you all how everything is. 

I just thought it would be interesting to blog all of my interesting ideas I have going on in my mind about KSA and let ya know how everything plays out in reality once I get there :) 

Friday, November 9, 2012

reality setting in?

Within a month we are going to Saudi Arabia so we are now trying to sell everything we own, and so far its going well sold the kids's beds insha'allah selling the living room and dinning room set I'm excited but at the same time thinking everything is moving so fast and I am so overwhelmed with happiness that nervousness, I feel like its making me crazy in a way I just want everything to get sold we buy the things we need then go I just want to be able to relax insha'allah. 

I think once I arrive to KSA that relaxing might be out of the question when I arrive so I hope that I will be able to adapt to it all without crashing in front of everyone but hopefully I will be able to sleep well on the crazy 15 to 30 hour flight and hopefully everyone will be understanding that I just got done flying and I need my rest but we will see but Insha'allah everything goes quickly so we can get going and start getting settled and start living insha'allah, I know this is such a short blog post but I had to post something to keep everyone updated I just been extremely busy and so exhausted that I haven't been even able to breath lol.

so I have decided to not go to Ohio which is where my family are I want to see everyone but at the same time I do not want to face a bunch of critisizm of how much of a mistake I'm making or they will never see me again if I knew I was gonna go and have a good time and leave on a positive note then yes I would be more then happy to go, I love my mom and sisters I will miss them dearly but I feel like they are slowly starting to be like the rest of my family by kind of putting me out on a limb only reaching to me when they want . 

I just wish things where different with my family that they would except me for who I am I'm not asking them to convert to Islam but just have an open mind share our views learn from each other like a normal civilized human being would and not treat me as if I come from a different planet, I am my own person and have my own views and opinions and likes and agreements and disagreements and it is possible to live among-st each other and get along people do it all the time I think if my family where more welcoming me as I am then maybe I would be more willing to stay here in America but until then I really have no purpose here I need to be among my own people "Muslims" where we can share the same views and I can live among the beautiful Saudi people I <3 so much that has welcomed me and treated me as if I was one of there own....

Friday, October 26, 2012

high hopes

one of the most common questions I get from people when they hear that I am moving to Saudi Arabia not only moving but that I am actually looking forward to going, these are the most common responses I get from most people that are American... 1. you'll have no freedom 2. you can't drive 3. you'll never come back... these are the responses I normally get from Muslims that have a grudge or just hatred towards the country 1. Saudi Arabia doesn't help other Muslims 

so let me address the most common American responses.

1. You'll have no freedom: firstly what is the definition of freedom? freedom to create corruption from walking naked in the streets or half naked allowing drinking, dating (which normally leads to sex and can cause diseases and unwanted pregnancies)... 
Secondly every country all has there own imperfections but it is not fair or I should say you shouldn't criticize a country when the hands of your own (America) are far from clean. 

thirdly women have such a high respected status in Saudi Arabia and in Islam that the women are allowed to work,study etc in fact half of the Saudi women that I know hold ether a Bachelors,Masters and even a PHD degree some decide to work and some decide to stay home and take care of there home and you know what you have people in America that do that and its ok but when Saudi women or Muslim women choose to we are not free????

 2. the driving issue it really isn't a issue and from what I have heard from a very close friend who works with the Saudi government told me that they are actually setting up programs for women to teach them to drive so this is a huge big step and on a second not I don't really desire to drive so no driving doesn't really bother me.

3. I'll never come back??? well let me just put it this way there are many Americans,British,and many foreigners that work and live in Saudi and find it a very pleasant environment of course there is no place like home from where you came from but please unless you been there and have came back and can talk from experience then you really have nothing...

Addressing the responses from the Muslim side...

they criticize that Saudi Arabia doesn't help its surrounding Muslims countries:

All I can say to that statement is unless you really know what they do then you can't say that they don't the images I see of the Royal family helping the people in need  and I think the most important thing to do is to avoid backbiting these leaders and instead make dua'a  and ask Allah to guide them to making the right choices...

lastly I get asked this question all the time what do you look forward to when you go to Saudi Arabia..

I really look forward to the hospitality of the people learning the different life style and culture, learning Arabic food of course :) Studying Islam, and most importantly visiting Mecca and Medina. I know that Saudi Arabia is literally the opposite of America but I have high intentions and hopes to when I come to Saudi Arabia I always see negative  images of Saudi and Muslim countries so I personally feel its my duty as a Muslim and an American to tell and show people the real and true beauty of the people and way of life...

some people say "oh you have these rose colored glasses on" and think I don't see how hard and ugly the life style really is.. firstly when I wanted to get married I wanted to get married to a Saudi  and yes it is very hard and very difficult sometimes I cry because I think he's so insensitive but there are also times I'm so madly in love with him because he does the sweetest things to make me smile and knows what makes me happy, sometimes I question if he knows what makes me happy but that's all men all men are like that and I think if I can tolerate that then I'm fine.

 I have had told many people about this but I have had so many dreams of being in Saudi Arabia and every time I have had these dreams I fight to stay asleep because I am always so happy so I feel that Allah is telling me that I will be fine and I will be happy so I put my faith and trust in Allah that yes it may be tough but with every struggle there is relief <3 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

keeping a secret

Since we have received the permission and our visa's we are selling everything and trying to keep our secret on the low profile is very hard I'm so excited and happy and I want to tell everyone, I wouldn't mind telling the world about our process to going to Saudi Arabia I don't want it to sound bad but once people know that you have gotten the approval or visa's then you get flooded with requests to help them and really its not that easy.

anyone that has gone through the marriage permission process will tell you it can take up to 6 months to maybe a year maybe longer depending what country you are from yes sadly but depending on what country your from it can take longer or become more difficult, reason for this may depend on the problems they have in the country from certain countries....

so to the people that get to read my blog after I share it to the world please do not take it to heart when I did not tell you  I only told a few people that are close to me that I know I can really trust please don't understand that " I can really trust" because the people I told are the ones that know me personally and not from being behind the computer screen and secondly there are a lot of envious people that would be happy to give the evil eye and hope something bad.

so these are some of the reasons why I have not gone out and broadcast my marriage approval from Saudi and our Visa's to go there because the next process is to apply for my residency insha'allah that goes smoothly and as easily as the Visa's did so my message to you is to try and to be patient like the rest of us and yes normally for the process to go faster for your marriage permission you have to have someone on the inside that works with the government to follow your papers alhumdullilah we had some family and friends that where able to help us...

Insha'allah if you need help or need any advice I am more then happy there are many people like me that have and are still waiting for the marriage approval but just keep your faith in Allah and try to be patient insha'allah and everything will work out for you...

The move process to KSA

Ever since we came home from Houston I have not been able to relax for a moment, as we arrived my husband says when we get home we have to start selling everything, we have a month to sell everything... Me thinking "ya Allah" I have no idea when I will get to relax  I'm taking pictures of everything listing them on ebay, cragislist I'm hoping I have good results in my sales because we really need money after our travels to Houston Texas.

 I'm grateful for that we got the Visa's and marriage approval I'm super excited to go to Saudi Arabia because I'll be going in almost a month Insha'allah I am completely floored, at the same time I am nervous not about going to Saudi Arabia but more about flying 15 hours I'm hoping when we arrive that I will be able to sleep to gain my strength for my upcoming journey to adjusting to everything.
 My husband was telling me when we arrive they will have a nice meal, and probably the next day they will invite friends,family,neighbors for a big feast I'm thinking I'm going to be completely warn out but I look forward to it.

I just hope that all the selling goes well cause I think that is the most stressful thing about moving is selling and I still have to buy clothes for the kids when we go back because apparently the clothes,toys etc back in Saudi are pretty pricey so we are keeping a few toys to take back with us then selling and donating the rest. I'm hoping during the black friday and sales coming up that we can stalk up on summer and some fall clothes, because the city we are going to is called Abha and its little cooler so they need some warm clothes hopefully I can get that accomplished insha'allah because I think I will be stalking up on all sizes before we go I have no idea how much it would be to ship overseas but Insha'allah all will be ok.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

a New Beginning to the KSA

Recently we have received the approval for our marriage permission I remember telling my husband when we get the permission I want you to create a way to tell me, well he did. we went to this restaurant called Incredible pizza (not so incredible) lol this place had lots of games to play unlimited and go-carts and bumper cars it was a lot of fun main plan was to take the kids out to have fun we where not really planning to eat but for the great price we stayed... so as we sit down to eat our not so incredible pizza my husband asked me to go get something and that he had something really important to tell me, Me I was nervous I'm like great what did I do, is he not happy, is he going to ask to marry a second wife? lol and he says I want to tell you something do you remember when we sat down at the (Al Saher restaurant) and told you that we will have to fight together for the marriage permission and I said yes why? he said well: we got the approval ,my reaction: Say Wallah he was like wallah I'm serious I can tell when he was joking and this time I knew he wasn't... I started crying I was and still am so happy to know that one of your biggest wishes and dreams is insha'allah coming so close.
so now the visa process, we are going this week to Houston Texas to the Saudi embassy to apply for mine and the kid's visa as soon s we get it insha'allah hopefully before the year is over we should (YA RABB) be in KSA how will I break this to my family? I have no idea they already think I'm going to hell for being Muslim and let alone think its a huge mistake and I'm going to be kidnapped when I enter KSA so hopefully when the time comes to tell them we are leaving will be hard....
I'm always asked are you not worried or scared of the culture shock? I would be lying if I said no, but honestly I'm more afraid of the 14  I think it is hour plane ride to KSA especially with 2 young children I'm sure I'll be fine what I'm more worried about is handling the Saudi women's role in KSA, I have a lot of learning to do as in (cooking)  but I am really excited to be living among the people that inspired me so much that has accepted me for who I am and has accepted me as one of them and willing to teach me is really  the gift and the most amazing thing I can imagine..and I thank Allah every day for everything that he has given me so far and may Allah make it easy on me and my family....
Now I will be posting here when I get news on what happens with our visa's i'm sure it will not take very long when we are there in Houston I am not looking forward to the trip to Houston but in the end its worth it right :) so please follow my posts so you can see how my journey begins :)


We made our way to the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Houston Texas wasn’t really sure what to expect was a little nervous “why”?? because well I never been into an embassy before I didn’t really know what to expect I mean was it going to be like the embassy in Washington D.C. where they have there own building?
well there the Houston Embassy is not like the one in D.C. I will not share its location for there own safety.  came to the doors of the embassy it was beautiful like you where about to enter a V.I.P. room, as we entered we where obviously greeted by security where they took our cell phones and while looking around I seen 3 pictures of the Prince Salman which I believe is the next crown prince but I’m not sure, and then the first King  King Abdulaziz and the current King Abdullah, and on each side where the American and Saudi flag.
I thought we would probably wait a while before anyone would see us about apply for my Visa and a Visa for my children but they let us in right away, where we sat there where 2 areas obviously an area that would be for maybe males and females and on the table was a nice serving tray of Delicious Saudi Coffee we sat there and waited for the Embassy Staff to come and assist us and Masha’allah I never seen such more dedicated people to helping us get our visa they where very informative on any questions, but mostly where very curious to know why I was so eager to go lol!  sometimes I even ask myself why, but anyone that knows me knows the reason why I want to go to Saudi Arabia and why I love Saudi people so much and while being at the Saudi Embassy reminded me why I loved them so much there hospitality and making you feel welcomed, even though they did over load my kids with sugar and they where bouncing everywhere but that’s ok It was kind of relaxing for me kind of like babysitters so I got to relax a little  because they took the kids with them everywhere. we thought that it would take a couple of days to get our visa’s done well alhumdullilah it took 1 day, I thought that I would need another day for mine but he gave me my passport with my first visa stamp I was over joyed and amazed   and told them thank you so much you guys have helped complete a part the puzzle of dreams.
I thought after I was done there that I would probably not see any of them but alhumdullilah I was able to befriend a very nice sister that works there and surprisingly she is from the same tribe as my husband subhan’allah so I will be staying in touch with her insha’allah and had such a nice time spending time with her but I am floored about moving not so much at selling all of our stuff but we have literally a month to sell everything an I get to go to Saudi Arabia wallah I can not wait and at the same time my stomach is in my throat but insha’allah I know that I will be fine and I look forward  to the start of my new beginning…