Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Dreamers Reality.


When I look back on the dream that I had in the past, I misinterpreted a lot of their messages. For instance, before coming to Saudi Arabia, I had dreams of being happy. I used to think that it was Allahs way let me know that I will be fine and happy and content, but in reality, it meant the opposite being happy and a dream, and Islam means to stress, sorrow and unhappiness.

 I wish I would’ve known that before I went on my journey but then again, if I didn’t, I would not be where I am at now, I have faced imaginable amount of distress and still and now that I look back on those dreams where I felt happy it was a message of warning me of what was to come. 

I will never regret coming to Saudi Arabia like every Muslim. It is every Muslims dream to live in some Muslim country it was mine to live in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia even though the circumstance I have faced not once do I regret it and I am forever grateful to my previous spouse forgive him with the ultimate gift to be able to stay here and may Allah always reward him for that ameen. 

Every time I have attempted to return back to my country in America, I have faced circumstances they have prevented me from returning I could be angry, but I can’t. I feel that Allah is protecting me from something. I hope Inshallah to make my journey back home soon to visit my family. I often wonder if another occurrence will arise. 

I have always had intense streams some of the messages of warning or comfort to let me know that my distress will soon be at ease. I have always been reliant on my dreams. I used them as a source of guidance that a Allah talking to me through my dreams either warning me or something distressful is to come, or a warning that I need to change my ways before things become worse for myself. 

It has been four years now since I have seen my older children and all honesty I have no one else to blame myself for my behaviors and actions and the end myself and my older kids are paying the price and every day I live with that regret unfortunately, I cannot turn back time I can only learn from my mistakes and try to make up for last times and try to tell My Kids and why the things happened. 

I often see my kids in my dreams and in those dreams I am at my happiest and I fight to stay asleep. I don’t want to wake up. I miss them and I hope that Allah will reunite us soon and the reality I know that Allah is keeping us apart for a reason, and I have to trust Allah‘s plan and the meantime I need to fix myself the broken parts of myself that the people in the past have left me with to fix. 

So my conclusion, when it comes to interpreting our dreams, it is important to pay attention closely and to find someone who can properly interpret those dreams so we can know what to expect, and Islam says if it’s a positive dream it is from Allah could also be a warning from Allah it’s a bad dream or a nightmare then that dream is from Sheitan and spit three times to your left, and to not mention it anyone to prevent it from coming true also a dream can occur from when you keep thinking or seeing something I enjoy my dreams they give me something to look forward to but also, they can be distressful not understanding what they mean if I cannot forget a dream I take it that it’s a sign or a message that I have to figure out I believe Allah has given me a gift by giving me dreams as a guideline and my life I know my story may not benefits anyone, but it’s my story that I have learned from. 

I know some people would think I’m overly sensitive about when it comes to dreams positive and negative energies, but that is who I am. God has given me this gift, and I have to embrace that but not be ashamed.