Sunday, June 26, 2016

What's In a dream?

What’s in a dream?

Is it wrong to look to dreams as a form of guidance?? Is it wrong to depend on dreams in what we should look for in life? Some people are deep dreamers some may not have dreams at all or don’t even sit and think about their meanings…as for me I would consider myself a deep dreamer and sometimes I depend on those dreams a lot as a message from Allah that be patient there is more to see..

Sometimes I dream of things that I’ve never seen before but actually exist:

Dream 1: Before becoming a Muslim the day before 9/11 I had a dream of being in front of a black cube and a man had come to me and said, I would like to invite you to Islam at this moment I didn’t think anything until the next day the terrorist attack of 9/11 happened and I hated islam but I kept having dream after dream of Islam to the point I ended up researching Islam and then reverting September 12,2002 after my reversion to Islam the man who gave me shahada told me not please take shower and go to sleep and you should wake up refreshed and learn the prayers as you soon as you can. I did as instructed but that night I had the same dream I did in the beginning of being in front of the black cube but come to find out that black cube was the Kabba in Makkah and at this time in the dream I was surrounded by many Muslims and the same man approached me with a smile and said “Masha’allah sister you’re on the right path” after waking up I felt like something had lifted from me and I felt so light...

Dream 2: I had dreamed of flying into the airport the time of day was ether early morning or perhaps in the afternoon in this dream I was flying with a man and a lady I did not see ether of their faces but I remember the voices and the man knew my name for the longest time I didn’t know which airport I was seeing the runway had palm trees nearby and was an empty desert near I remember asking my husband a while back about which airport he had flew out of he mentioned he had flown out of the Dammam Airport, I had googled the airport and subhan’allah the exact description was the Dammam Airport but my confusion when I flew to Saudi Arabia the first time I landed in Jeddah so this dream to me tells me that the person who was flying with me was not my husband now but I fully believe who is my husband in the future and who is the mystery woman ? I don’t know!!!

Dream 3: as I became pretty close to Saudis and wanting to come to Saudi Arabia the dreams of Saudi Arabia increased many of these dreams I felt happy so when people would say to me “You’re a woman what makes you think you’ll be happy there” I’d always tell them every time I have dreams of being there I’m always happy I feel that Allah is telling me when I’m there I’ll be fine and I’ll be at peace… In the same time  I had dreamt of a long bridge surrounding big bodies of water I remember asking a friend who lived in Riyadh at the time I asked him is there a long bridge in Saudi Arabia that is surrounded by water I described the bridge in detail from my dream he told me to stop and told me “that’s the bridge from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia “

Dream 4: This type of dream I’m going to describe some would say keep to yourself but I felt it had deep meaning and had to find out before I had married my current husband now I had dreamt of 3 yellow baby cobras, In the dream I remember calling for someone to come help me with them because I didn’t know what to do with them in the end of the dream a man came “ I don’t know who it is and not It’s not my husband” he took the snakes and they had been killed the man said to me now insha’allah everything will be fine. I had a few different interpretations some said 3 enemies or 3 problems 2 of the problems have already occurred the 3rd problem has not or I’m already in the 3rd problem and the solution hasn’t come yet.

Dream 5: A while back while still in America I have often struggled with my prayers but from time to time I was normally on time with my prayers but at one moment in my life I had struggled and stopped praying I had dreamt of a Masjid at the time I had thought it was in Egypt.  I had described the dream as the athan was going off and I’m walking by and there are tables where you can eat at nearby I never thought anything of the dream except a message from Allah to remind me to keep up with my prayers a few months ago my husband took me to this shopping area that has many stores and it was the prayer time and we had went outside in this area I told my husband this masjid looks so familiar it looks like the one in my dream accept the one in my dream was surrounded by dining tables to sit at as we turned the corner to our destination there where the dining tables in front of the masjid I honestly froze I didn’t know what to think at this moment but other than Subhan’allah in how strong dreams can be and is it wrong to believe in them or rely on them, because so far everything I have dreamt of being here in Saudi Arabia I have seen them all but 2 of the dreams in the reality…

The masjid from my dream

So is it wrong to depend on dreams? I don’t know but I trust these dreams as a form of guidance I think we dream of things for a reason sometimes a warning, sometimes a message some dreams are meant to be shared some are meant to keep secret in the end dreams are special and sometimes a very important message from Allah…