Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Residency in Saudi Arabia

So I am apply for a residency for here in Saudi Arabia so that way it will be permissible for me to be able to work, little did I know that the process for this major step would be literally traumatizing...

In order to obtain a residence in Saudi Arabia you have to go through a routine checkup where they check for any illness such as TB, malaria etc and also you need at least 3 to 4 pictures for your Icama card which is your proof of residency card you will receive. 

I am in a smaller city in Saudi Arabia called Abha so the clinic that I had went to was a well a clinic ran by donations, lets just say if your in America, or in at least Europe with clean and very well developed medical technology say Alhumdullilah and consider yourself lucky! The things I had to do well they ask for a sample of urine and for some they ask for poop (SHUTTERS) but luckily I didn't  have to do this I only had to do the urine one sorry for the TMI details but anyway that alone was traumatizing!

this is the type of bathroom that I had to use, it was utterly disgusting and it was extremely difficult to do anything in there but alhumdullilah that was the only small part of the traumatization lets just say if this clinic where in America it would have been shut down imeditely for many health care violations, 1. the woman that drew my blood was also using her cell phone and let alone they where using no longer used needles to draw blood and waving it around I mean sheesh what would have happened if someone walked by they would have been jabbed with the needle... and after drawing the blood she squirted my blood in the vile tube an just tossed it in the trash....

this is the old needles that they used that America no longer uses since they changed to the safety syringe... 

I think the bathroom samples and blood drawing where the most tramatizing part of the whole experience, the x-ray part was not as bad other then they didn't want to give me a guard to put on that they normally would do in the US to protect the ovaries but luckily I insisted and explained why and they gradually said ok they probably thought "complicated american girl" lol...I was so happy to get out of that clinic this place kind of reminded me of a clinic you would find in Africa it was that bad I think I probably over sanitized my hands, but in the end the whole experience will be worth it insha'allah so when I finally receive my Icama  (residency Card) I will be able to work here in Saudi Arabia insha'allah!


Unknown said...

that's true, getting into residency is not that easy. I had to spent several days on writing my personal statement