Saturday, December 8, 2012

Departure to KSA (kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Departing to Saudi Arabia has always been a dream but the actual departure was honestly a nightmare..

Leaving Iowa was a pain in the bum while checking our bags into the airport I had to sit in the car which your not supposed to park at the airport where you drop people off or pick there was a police officer that kept coming around and yelling at me because we where in the same spot for to long, like seriously? we where not in any ones way I don't see the big deal but that's regulations I guess...

we had to fly with United Airlines before we actually connected to our main airlines which is "Saudi Airlines" we had a total of 6 bags we where supposed to pay only 300.00 but ended up paying 500.00, after checking all of our bags in we had  to literally run after security check and my pat down it didn't help that we had a million carry on bags note: don't carry on more then a couple carry on bags if you don't need to it's a pain in the bum, but as soon as arrived to the gate and finally got situated in our seats it was finally relaxing. we where supposed to stay on our airplane we got onto going to Washington DC but we had to stop in Chicago and found out we had to actually change our plane "SIGH" alhumdullilah we had a few minutes to relax before getting onto that plane I was utterly tired but was more eagerer to get to DC and get on to the plane for KSA...

arriving to Washington DC I was just happy to get there even though we had to go from one side of the airport to the other I was so tired that we had to sit down for like a half hour before going to our gate, let me tell ya I got a good workout that day lifting and pulling things and walking I'm hoping I burned off some weight lol... after our long 6 hour lay over in DC we walked to our gate I seen the Saudi Arabian Airlines plane and a huge smile came to my face I was just over joyed that finally my dream is becoming a reality but it was a nightmare before it became a happy reality... the Saudi Arabian Airlines had told us that my daughter who is 17 months old didn't have a ticket which she did but they didn't see her in the system until my husband showed them the ticket number, and then when it came to loading the plane they had to verify our bags on where it would go to wallahi I was so annoyed and tensed honestly I wanted to hit a wall but alhumdullilah once we got onto the plane I was able to finally relax well I kind of relaxed.... 

The Flight to Saudi Arabia....was well not bad even though my daughter vomited on me 2 times the first time I washed my hijab in the bathroom sink using the anti bacterial hand soap and cleaning my daughter the whole entire time she nursed and was very whinny I think if it wasn't for that it would have been much more relaxing because she didn't want to even want to eat anything and I was to scared to give her anything...all though the trip was good the food was decent and the flight attendants where very helpful to my daughters throwing up to any thing that we needed so my overall experience on the plane with the Saudi Arabian airlines was very good....

Arriving to KSA I was so excited as we got closer the dreams of arriving where becoming a reality I was super excited to finally get off the airplane but was shocked at the weather in Jeddah  because my husband told me that it was supposed to be in the 50-to 60's and it turned out to be in the 80-to 90's which happens to be the temperature for there winter it was actually nice to meet old friends again it made my arrival here a little bit more relaxing and able to adjust more, but I have so much to learn and look forward to it insha'allah!!!