I always have a million ideas on how Saudi Arabia will be like I know its going to be very different from America, but how different will it be? I find myself asking my poor husband the most bizarre questions like do they have windows in the houses like they do here? are the toilets just a hole in the floor? to believing the oddest things my husband tells me like today it was like in the 70's so nice and breezy and he tells me this is how the winter is in Saudi and people wear coats i'm like "really"???? wallah I have a lot to learn because I am a little not a little more like I am very naive on what I have to look forward to.
I only ask on how will I adjust to the time change? what happens when I can't sleep while everyone else is I always have so much running through my mind on how it will be but it wont be much longer until I am able to tell you all how everything is.
I just thought it would be interesting to blog all of my interesting ideas I have going on in my mind about KSA and let ya know how everything plays out in reality once I get there :)
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