one of the most common questions I get from people when they hear that I am moving to Saudi Arabia not only moving but that I am actually looking forward to going, these are the most common responses I get from most people that are American... 1. you'll have no freedom 2. you can't drive 3. you'll never come back... these are the responses I normally get from Muslims that have a grudge or just hatred towards the country 1. Saudi Arabia doesn't help other Muslims
so let me address the most common American responses.
1. You'll have no freedom: firstly what is the definition of freedom? freedom to create corruption from walking naked in the streets or half naked allowing drinking, dating (which normally leads to sex and can cause diseases and unwanted pregnancies)...
Secondly every country all has there own imperfections but it is not fair or I should say you shouldn't criticize a country when the hands of your own (America) are far from clean.
thirdly women have such a high respected status in Saudi Arabia and in Islam that the women are allowed to work,study etc in fact half of the Saudi women that I know hold ether a Bachelors,Masters and even a PHD degree some decide to work and some decide to stay home and take care of there home and you know what you have people in America that do that and its ok but when Saudi women or Muslim women choose to we are not free????
2. the driving issue it really isn't a issue and from what I have heard from a very close friend who works with the Saudi government told me that they are actually setting up programs for women to teach them to drive so this is a huge big step and on a second not I don't really desire to drive so no driving doesn't really bother me.
3. I'll never come back??? well let me just put it this way there are many Americans,British,and many foreigners that work and live in Saudi and find it a very pleasant environment of course there is no place like home from where you came from but please unless you been there and have came back and can talk from experience then you really have nothing...
Addressing the responses from the Muslim side...
they criticize that Saudi Arabia doesn't help its surrounding Muslims countries:
All I can say to that statement is unless you really know what they do then you can't say that they don't the images I see of the Royal family helping the people in need and I think the most important thing to do is to avoid backbiting these leaders and instead make dua'a and ask Allah to guide them to making the right choices...
lastly I get asked this question all the time what do you look forward to when you go to Saudi Arabia..
I really look forward to the hospitality of the people learning the different life style and culture, learning Arabic food of course :) Studying Islam, and most importantly visiting Mecca and Medina. I know that Saudi Arabia is literally the opposite of America but I have high intentions and hopes to when I come to Saudi Arabia I always see negative images of Saudi and Muslim countries so I personally feel its my duty as a Muslim and an American to tell and show people the real and true beauty of the people and way of life...
some people say "oh you have these rose colored glasses on" and think I don't see how hard and ugly the life style really is.. firstly when I wanted to get married I wanted to get married to a Saudi and yes it is very hard and very difficult sometimes I cry because I think he's so insensitive but there are also times I'm so madly in love with him because he does the sweetest things to make me smile and knows what makes me happy, sometimes I question if he knows what makes me happy but that's all men all men are like that and I think if I can tolerate that then I'm fine.
I have had told many people about this but I have had so many dreams of being in Saudi Arabia and every time I have had these dreams I fight to stay asleep because I am always so happy so I feel that Allah is telling me that I will be fine and I will be happy so I put my faith and trust in Allah that yes it may be tough but with every struggle there is relief <3
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