Salam Alykum its been a long time since I have last posted a blog and thought it would be a good idea to start back up especially with Ramdan just around the corner well actually tomorrow! most of my Muslim life I have spent Ramadan and Eid in America so being in a Muslim country I think should be an rather interesting experience....
I'm for one very excited for Ramadan for the past few years I have been unable to fast due to my very young children who I have nursed or birthed in the previous years and had prevented me to do so so I'm happy to finally to be able to insha'allah to participate, I also just found out I'm pregnant so that will also make it interesting too I know I can do it insha'allah.
I am excited but at the same time I'm kind of not really scared but more nervous because its my first Ramadan in any Muslim country, I had went shopping for groceries yesterday and masha'allah it reminded me of black Friday or thanksgiving eve people where everywhere no shopping carts so the first shopping cart available you pounce on it I mean literally lol! and good luck getting through the isles it was like the driving from the streets had finally reached the stores it was really congested, I seen people with 3 to 4 shopping cars filled with food,cleaning supplies,sweets etc preparing for the up coming Ramadan as I look I'm thinking masha'allah I wish I could be an creative cook to know what to do with half the stuff they had, I really need some hard core cooking lessons so I know what to cook besides Kabsa O.o..
As I'm trying to work my way through the isles and many things from the shelves are empty even the spice shelves where pretty much empty I was lucky enough to find the few spices that I actually needed still need many other things but alhumdullilah got what was needed. should I even mention the check out?there where literally lines all the way around the store waiting to check out and come to prayer time the cashiers leave to go pray and then return to continue ringing out and if your not paying attention someone is bound to steal your spot in line Alhumdullialh we got out alive and with what we needed but that wasn't the end of the journey in the store we still had to get through the very congested mall and then carefully watch out for the crazy drivers looking and fighting for a parking space as we go to our car you have people literally waiting next to you to take your cart hey they'll even help you even unload your cart lol, as we leave the roads are awful I'm not talking about the driving the lines there are lines to buy live lamb to be sacrificed.
All over the experience in the stores some would not enjoy it but I found it rather not sure if inspiring is the right word I'm looking for but it put you in the mood for Ramadan the people are smiling laughing literally the good vibes of a very beneficial month to bring us all closer to Allah, even the T.V. commercials are very tastefully done to remind you of the beneifits and to make dua'a to Allah and that Ramadan is a very important month for many Muslims .
For myself I have been struggling with many family problems I know I could change at any time and not have to wait for Ramadan but its a cleansing that is truly needed for my heart and I know for many others I really hope that everyone has a very safe and happy Ramadan I will insha'allah keep posted through out the Ramadan or at the end to talk about the experience here I am really looking forward to it may Allah accept every ones dua'a and fasting and bring us closer to Allah <3
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