Sunday, November 25, 2012

what to do?

one of the frequent questions I get are what do you plan to do in Saudi Arabia??? 

Firstly my main first main goal when I come to Saudi Arabia is to slowly adjust to the surroundings such as learning to cook multiple Saudi dishes and learning the lifestyle... secondly I plan to insha'allah to get a Business degree because I would like to retail and maybe franchise with some companies, and on top of that my biggest goal and dream is to study Islam not sure what I want to major in Islamic studies I'm fascinated with Hadiths so I will have to see when I get there and see how things go after I get through the beginning courses such as the Arabic which I know will take a while or a lifetime for me to learn properly but insha'allah I will get the hang of it.

 I hope and wish  when I go to Saudi Arabia or travel through out the Muslim countries I have bought a camcorder just for this, I hope to insha'allah make video documentaries while I stay there, Why?? well because we always see such negative things about Saudi Arabia and about all over the Muslim region countries and I feel that it is my duty as an Muslim and as an American to show the true image of how peaceful Muslims do live I mean all countries have there problems but everyone thinks that Muslims are always killing each other and blowing each other up or making plots against America and I just want to help shine a positive light I mean its the most I can do for the sake of Allah and for my brothers and sisters...

something else I plan to do when I come to Saudi Arabia is to insha'allah sell from there, it will be so much easier to get my hands on abayas, books, etc I actually have something planned for when I am able to get things going once I get settled what that plan is, is to when  I start retailing insha'allah on my website that I will create. insha'allah I would love to have a section just for revert Muslims where they can send a request for a qur'an or abayas or thobes for guys if needed to help them start there journey in Islam for free all they would have to pay is for shipping, how it will work? is a work in progress and still a lot of ideas are popping up so Insha'allah everything works out as I plan. I'm sure there will be stores that will work with me to help which I'm sure wont be a problem insha'allah so I hope insha'allah this clears up any question on "What do you plan to do in KSA" ?

I know that some of the people who will or who are going to be following my blog are secretly or making bets with there friends thinking "ha ha she's gonna fall on her face" or hoping that I fail or just want to sit and laugh at everything I say or talk about but hopefully insha'allah you are not that shallow and will wish the best for me, hopefully I will not have any problems and may Allah make it easy for me because anyone that truly knows me, knows that coming to KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) has been a very long dream come true so its not just a phase its my dream and no one can stand in the way of someones dream unless Allah decides its time or has another plan for me and I have faith in Allah from the very beginning with the dreams that I have had being in Saudi Arabia and fighting to stay a sleep to not wake up, I feel this is Allah's way of saying you will be happy so I have no fear but nothing but faith in Allah that things will work as Allah has planned for me... <3

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Emotional roller coaster

Today is 11/18/2012 and insha'allah with in 2 or 3 weeks we will be flying to Saudi Arabia insha'allah, so far we have sold pretty much all the major things like the living room set, and the kids things we still are in need to sell our dinning room set I swear people are really cheap when it comes to buying things I understand the need to save money but sheesh we have had to drop prices just to get rid of things...

so lately since the kids literally have no crib or toddler bed they sleep with me on the bed or sometimes we make a bedding on the floor, ehk wallahi I can not wait until they have there own sleeping quarters I love my kids but I need a long good nights rest but the kids there adjusting well. I think they know something is going on but they are quite not sure what it is I just hope insha'allah that they will adjust well to the move.

 I know the flying is the biggest worry that I have I'm not gonna lie as I told many people before I'm more afraid of the long flight then going to Saudi Arabia, I have a 3 year old and a 18 month old and my 3 year old doesn't want to potty train like I hoped so I have 2 small kids in diapers and I keep thinking how is this gonna work when I have to change them? I hope insha'allah its not going to be to bad and it will go smoothly I know every body is telling me don't worry they have changing areas in the plane and you can get up and walk around with the kids and make sure to bring lots of things for them to do such as coloring, games, etc I hope I'll have more then enough things for them to do let alone calm my anxiety for the whole entire trip....

as for my emotional roller coaster ride, as everything sells I feel slightly depressed I have just recently sold one of the kids's toys and I felt so bad for selling it but there is no way that we could take it with us it would be to expensive to have it shipped over there and I already have a huge box of toys that we are going to ship over to Saudi Arabia before we go I cried when I sold my living room set because that was the first major thing I ever purchased on my own and it was sad to see it goI know Insha'allah that the ending out come of it all will be a happy ending but now that everything is getting so close anxiety and nerves are taking tole and honestly  its interfering with my appetite that I'm not eating as much because i'm just nervous and I just want everything to be sold and we are at the airport so I can finally relax...

another thing that has been toying with my emotions is for 1 its around the holidays Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I wont be going home before I leave to see my family so that is a little hard to sink in and also even though I don't celebrate Christmas I absolutely love the Christmas lights the holiday music the holiday shopping  just the atmosphere of everyone enjoying this favorite time of the year its just that its all that I have ever known my whole life and in a few weeks it is all going to change and I will get to learn and experience a whole different way of life.

 I'm at least excited that this will be my first Ramadan, and Eid in a Muslim country so insha'allah the atmosphere of being around my own people "Muslims" it will shake this homesickness feeling of missing the non Muslim holidays I am so excited for that and even more that I will insha'allah get to make ummrah shortly after I arrive there, and anyone that has met me and knows my story on how I became Muslim and my fight to come to the "kingdom of Saudi Arabia" will know how much of a reality dream come true this is for me and I can never be more grateful enough to mostly Allah and the people that Allah sent to me to make it possible may Allah reward these people insha'allah and may this experience of the lifetime of happiness as it always is in my dreams <3


so today is 11/20/2012 I thought I would blog a little bit while I take a break from clearing out the kids's closet I decided to clear out there dressers and use there suitcases for the remaining 2 weeks that we have left as there dresser, as things are coming around the corner I'm seeing suitcases being packed things are really starting  to come in to focus and into reality and I'm thinking holy crap this is really happening I'm happy but at the same time so overwhelmed with what we have left to sell which is not much but as I mentioned in the beginning people are so frigging cheap they want things close to nothing I have dropped prices left and right just to get stuff out of here hopefully insha'allah everything goes quickly and we can get the ball rolling...

so another emotional road block I have hit I have kept several toys that I know that the kids play with and I know that they will be pricey to re-buy in Saudi and guess how much it weights???? "38 pounds and 33 ounces shipping it through united states postal service would cost me up to almost 600.00  when I seen that price my throat and my stomach combined and I was like choking like wth I really want to take these toys with me so hopefully we can find a shipping service that will not charge us a bunch of money just to ship there toys I just really want them to be happy and have the things that they love maybe that's the problem for the 600.00 but its a sacrifice I'm willing to make so they will be happy and adjust well to the things around them...

Today is 11/26/2012 and less then a 2 weeks or even in a week I will be leaving my apartment to stay at a hotel for the remainder time here in America to go to Saudi Arabia, can you guess where my emotional feelings are now??? I don't think I have any at this point they are all mush and grinned into my stomach I have been eating less these days and you would think that I would have lost some weight with all of this stress and worrying and all the stuff I have been dealing with, but nope still the same hopefully it will fall off as I arrive in Saudi with all the emotions coming up to my throat I just want to get his all done and over with and get to the airport so I can relax that's if there will be any relaxing when I arrive lol...

Today is 12/2/2012  and I we 4 days away from the our departure date to go to Saudi Arabia everything has been pretty hectic getting bags packed, getting rid of stuff we no longer need buying new clothes and things that will be much more expensive in KSA, I am literally exhausted sick to my stomach not because of the trip but for the fact we have been eating pretty crappy these days a lot of take out and my body is telling me enough of this crappy food give me some veggies and fish or chicken. 

Everyone is kind of tensed I'm more tired then tensed well I guess both  because I haven't had a decent amount of sleep since I got rid of the children's bed those where the first things that I sold I know that's only the minor stuff to be exhausted about our flight date is terrifying enough, because we have to be at the airport at 6am so we have to get up around 3 to 4 am to get up and head to the airport and we have a connecting flight before we actually get to our international flight, we are connecting with United Airlines before we get on Saudi Arabia Airlines it's not a bad thing but United Airlines since they don't have a contract with KSA Airlines then we have to pay 100.00 extra for any extra bags alhumdullilah only 3 of us have actual tickets because it would be 400.00 we would paying instead of 300.00 and it don't help when each back has to weigh in at 50 pounds  there has been a lot of removing and getting rid of stuff just to get the bags to weigh the right weight luckily there are 6 bags so we should be able to get this tackled down.

 I just want the day to get here so we can get on the plane and just get going so I can finally relax I guess my only fear is flying with the 2 small kids I've said it before but flying with 2 kids in diapers since my 3 year old is giving me such a hard time with potty training i'm more worried about him during diapering then my 17 month old, but Insha'allah everything will play out well so far I have gotten the kids a couple coloring books, a travel game of go fishing and some toys to hopefully get the kids entertained if the movies on the airplane are not enough but I hear that they have plenty of things to keep them through the airlines so Insha'allah once we are flying I'm sure my nerves will settle down but I am hopeful and have faith in Allah that everything will work out just fine insha'allah <3

it is 12/4/2012, 2 days before our departure to Saudi Arabia and can you talk about the twisted nerves? we are doing the last minute things such as getting rid of food, clothes, doing the last batch of laundry I am so excited and so nervous but not as nervous as I have been but so ready to get the ball rolling and finally get on the airplane everyone is tensed so things are like walking on egg shells right now but overall so far so good alhumdullilah, I know this is a short blog update but I have so much to do that I couldn't right much but what's going right now because we literally have well I thought 2 but today is almost over with so 1 more day -------> Insert scream here "AAHHhhhhhhhgrrrrrh"<------- I am really going to miss Iowa  and especially the snow, it hasn't snowed yet and I was hoping to see one last snow fall but alhumdullilah who knows maybe the snowfall would have kept us snowed in at the airport, I will mostly miss my friends and the community of the people around here but Insha'allah I will adjust well and make new friends and enjoy my new surroundings...<3

Saturday, November 10, 2012

strange questions...

I always have a million ideas on how Saudi Arabia will be like I know its going to be very different from America, but how different will it be? I find myself asking my poor husband the most bizarre questions like do they have windows in the houses like they do here? are the toilets just a hole in the floor? to believing the oddest things my husband tells me like today it was like in the 70's so nice and breezy and he tells me this is how the winter is in Saudi and people wear coats i'm like "really"???? wallah I have a lot to learn because I am a little not a little more like I am very naive on what I have to look forward to. 

I only ask on how will I adjust to the time change? what happens when I can't sleep while everyone else is I always have so much running through my mind on how it will be but it wont be much longer until I am able to tell you all how everything is. 

I just thought it would be interesting to blog all of my interesting ideas I have going on in my mind about KSA and let ya know how everything plays out in reality once I get there :) 

Friday, November 9, 2012

reality setting in?

Within a month we are going to Saudi Arabia so we are now trying to sell everything we own, and so far its going well sold the kids's beds insha'allah selling the living room and dinning room set I'm excited but at the same time thinking everything is moving so fast and I am so overwhelmed with happiness that nervousness, I feel like its making me crazy in a way I just want everything to get sold we buy the things we need then go I just want to be able to relax insha'allah. 

I think once I arrive to KSA that relaxing might be out of the question when I arrive so I hope that I will be able to adapt to it all without crashing in front of everyone but hopefully I will be able to sleep well on the crazy 15 to 30 hour flight and hopefully everyone will be understanding that I just got done flying and I need my rest but we will see but Insha'allah everything goes quickly so we can get going and start getting settled and start living insha'allah, I know this is such a short blog post but I had to post something to keep everyone updated I just been extremely busy and so exhausted that I haven't been even able to breath lol.

so I have decided to not go to Ohio which is where my family are I want to see everyone but at the same time I do not want to face a bunch of critisizm of how much of a mistake I'm making or they will never see me again if I knew I was gonna go and have a good time and leave on a positive note then yes I would be more then happy to go, I love my mom and sisters I will miss them dearly but I feel like they are slowly starting to be like the rest of my family by kind of putting me out on a limb only reaching to me when they want . 

I just wish things where different with my family that they would except me for who I am I'm not asking them to convert to Islam but just have an open mind share our views learn from each other like a normal civilized human being would and not treat me as if I come from a different planet, I am my own person and have my own views and opinions and likes and agreements and disagreements and it is possible to live among-st each other and get along people do it all the time I think if my family where more welcoming me as I am then maybe I would be more willing to stay here in America but until then I really have no purpose here I need to be among my own people "Muslims" where we can share the same views and I can live among the beautiful Saudi people I <3 so much that has welcomed me and treated me as if I was one of there own....