What is the life like in Saudi Arabia? That is the question I'm always asked, people are always intrigued to hear the experience from an American who's from a more open country even more when the view comes from a woman....
Why do I do what I do spend hours on debating and trying to change the views of people? is because there is so many good things about Saudi Arabia and the people that no one gets to hear about and that's my mission is to get those good things out there and heard!
Most of the time with people hear the name "Saudi Arabia" automatically people will relate it to 9/11 or they think of women of having no rights because women aren't allowed to drive or barbaric for its harsh punishments for crimes... As many who know me my views were exactly as those who strongly dislike Saudi Arabia for those who'd like to know how my views changed please check my other blog "Why Saudi Arabia http://loveforksa.blogspot.com/2012/10/why-saudi-arabia.html" Many talked before coming here that I would face a major culture shock upon arrival to be honest I've never had any issues with that the culture shock hit when I returned to America....
Now to the questions how is the life in Saudi Arabia, Is it like you hear on the media? and what made me love it so much to willingly want to live there for the rest of my life?
First of all lets address the driving issue....Is it really an issue? yes and no! depends in how you look at it! it is an issue if your used to driving, is it religiously wrong for us to drive? no!!! so why are women not allowed to drive yet? firstly take for example when women were not allowed to vote in America and how long it took to get the society to get used to the idea to allow women to vote let alone hold an governmental position, its the same for us here in Saudi Arabia!!! an for anyone who's ever lived here knows how dangerous the driving can be at the same time the traffic laws need to be applied but within time we will drive Saudi Arabia is changing rapidly.... apparent rumors are claiming that women will be allowed to drive next month, how true is this rumor? only time will tell but insha'allah *God Willing* we will and lets face it is driving what makes a woman independent??? I don't think so!!!
this article is in Arabic so if your not arabic speaking google translate may not be your friend but the article talks about women driving next month or possible soon!
So another question I'm always asked women are not free to wear what they want their forced to wear the face veil and to cover their hair! I think one of the things that had surprised me the most when I first arrived in Saudi Arabia is the women who were not wearing hijab at all I thought why were they not wearing hijab this is haram!!! Saudi Arabia hosts many foreigners who are Christians or non who we do not force them to wear hijab or ladies to be forced to wear the face veil *niqab* me for myself I never wear it and most who know me knows i'm a huge makeup lover and I get told a lot that if I go out like that in public i'll be flogged lol but no one cares to be honest if you respect yourself the people will respect you regardless of your faith and where you come from but we are expected to dress in our abayas *long black dress* and most don't mind they do it out of respect of the countries customs and respect to our religion..
so what are the rights for women here in Saudi Arabia? can they hold a job, can they work? can they go to university can they travel without a male guardian let alone open a bank account without a male guardian! and the answer to all those questions is Yes!!! I've had the honor of working for a few months with a small company with a Saudi lady who traveled with the company without her husband and also I had the opportunity to do so many think "but you're american so its easier for you" not so much!!! I'm married to a Saudi man so I am treated as a Saudi lady!! an I know of many ladies who hold PhD's and those who prefer the life of taking care of the home in the end its up the lady in what she wants to do with her life...
What is with the male guardianship is it culture or religion? most find it unfair but those who understand it do not find it unfair at all and secondly its Religion not culture! many find it degrading to a woman or unfair but in reality its not its out of respect for the women to protect her.. "why can't a woman protect her self"? yes she can but who knows maybe there will be a situation she will face and will need her husband or brother or father to help her and a lot of ladies...
Another thing I hear a lot is Saudi Arabia is a mans world country its no place for a woman and she can't do anything.... this is where I said to myself before coming here "Challenge accepted" and to be honest its not if you're going to use the "driving" as a reason why its a male dominated country than this doesn't fly or you may say are women and men treated equal? I would say yes in some aspect especially if its a crime you do a crime you pay the punishment regardless of your gender. as in Jobs? some may find it unfair that women are not allowed to do some jobs but the way I see it the country looks out for the well being of the women here they want to protect the women is how I look at it instead of find it degrading and to be honest I love that aspect about Saudi Arabia is I feel protected and the country truly cares about us and I feel safe...
I feel safe? really as a woman?!! You may laugh at this but really it is that safe here and as many may think because our laws are harsh and yes they are but it makes you think long and hard before you commit a crime...and Yes it is safe I can go to the sea and walk along the beach shore at 2-3 am and no one will bother you I've had to walk to the pharmacy at 10am to buy medication for my daughter who had an ear infection and no problems at all because if someone harasses a woman in this country people are willing to step in to stop it immediately and its punishable by lashes and fines and jail if you harass a woman let if you rape a woman you can say goodbye to your head because that is an execution-able punishment!
One of the most annoying questions I hear is Saudi Arabia has billions and yet they don't take in any refugees or help anyone in need! see this is where I come in many people tell me you're wasting your time trying to show the good things about Saudi but for me if I'm able to change the view of one person than I've done my job! Now has Saudi Arabia taken in any refugees? I'll post a video below and than you can think for yourself! in my neighborhood I have met 4 families who are syrian refugees and one who was a doctor who performed surgery on my son so yes Saudi Arabia has taken in millions of refugee on top of that giving the countries in need millions upon billions of aide from schooling, to medical, and food...
Oome people ask me do you miss anything back home? I'd be lying if I said no! I get homesick mostly during the holiday seasons and birthdays but the answer is yes!! I miss my mother and sisters and family everything else not really I don't miss it at all, I have everything I need here. "Do I miss going to the movies" not really I never really enjoyed paying 50 dollars on snacks at the movie theater an to be honest I really hope they never get a cinema in Saudi Arabia its not something necessary, is Saudi Arabia for everyone? no its not because it is a very conservative country but I love it for everything is and for everything it will become...
Lastly what have been my opinions on living here and why do you love it so much? my views of this country are coming from the heart many may say "oh she's brainwashed" but lets face it if you haven't lived here or never plan to live here than you have no right to speak about a country you don't know about other than what the media feeds you!! Firstly I find Saudi Arabia to be a family oriented country and the life is a very simple life the hospitality of the natives here is beyond over the top at times but the intentions are pure one of the things I love is how close the communities are here is their so close as if their family and they respect you and accept you and if you love the Saudis they love you and you're one of them as they say and this is something I agree with 100% I honestly don't know what I'd do without my Saudi community family as a friend mentioned to me yesterday a quote as I explained in how I felt about the community..
"انا على ولد عمي وانا وولد عمي على الغريب"
meaning "I'm against my cousin, and me and my cousin against the stranger"
(if the translation is wrong please help me in changing it 😊 )
For the most part I feel safe in this country if I don't wear face veil no one questions me or forces me if I choose to not to wear the head scarf I don't have to if I need to go somewhere I can just request a ride with Uber *I've never drove or ever had desire to drive* so the no driving has never been an issue its been a phobia so Its the reason why I've never had a licence and most importantly no one judges you here no one cares if your Muslim, or Christian or non Muslim the people respect you I may struggle in speaking Arabic but you know what I get around lol someone speaks English and if they don't I just try my best to speak in broken Arabic or I just call a friend to translate and the life here is so simple the people are kind an the best part is Makkah and Medina are here regardless if they were here or not I'd gladly still want to live here maybe the life is boring to some because mostly people go to the malls or the beach or the park but many of us we can travel outside the country to Bahrain, or Kuwait,Qatar,U.A.E. to meet our needs of entertainment but over all I love the simple life here and just simplicity is the life I love!
"Love the life you live, live the life you love" |
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