Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Dreamers Reality.


When I look back on the dream that I had in the past, I misinterpreted a lot of their messages. For instance, before coming to Saudi Arabia, I had dreams of being happy. I used to think that it was Allahs way let me know that I will be fine and happy and content, but in reality, it meant the opposite being happy and a dream, and Islam means to stress, sorrow and unhappiness.

 I wish I would’ve known that before I went on my journey but then again, if I didn’t, I would not be where I am at now, I have faced imaginable amount of distress and still and now that I look back on those dreams where I felt happy it was a message of warning me of what was to come. 

I will never regret coming to Saudi Arabia like every Muslim. It is every Muslims dream to live in some Muslim country it was mine to live in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia even though the circumstance I have faced not once do I regret it and I am forever grateful to my previous spouse forgive him with the ultimate gift to be able to stay here and may Allah always reward him for that ameen. 

Every time I have attempted to return back to my country in America, I have faced circumstances they have prevented me from returning I could be angry, but I can’t. I feel that Allah is protecting me from something. I hope Inshallah to make my journey back home soon to visit my family. I often wonder if another occurrence will arise. 

I have always had intense streams some of the messages of warning or comfort to let me know that my distress will soon be at ease. I have always been reliant on my dreams. I used them as a source of guidance that a Allah talking to me through my dreams either warning me or something distressful is to come, or a warning that I need to change my ways before things become worse for myself. 

It has been four years now since I have seen my older children and all honesty I have no one else to blame myself for my behaviors and actions and the end myself and my older kids are paying the price and every day I live with that regret unfortunately, I cannot turn back time I can only learn from my mistakes and try to make up for last times and try to tell My Kids and why the things happened. 

I often see my kids in my dreams and in those dreams I am at my happiest and I fight to stay asleep. I don’t want to wake up. I miss them and I hope that Allah will reunite us soon and the reality I know that Allah is keeping us apart for a reason, and I have to trust Allah‘s plan and the meantime I need to fix myself the broken parts of myself that the people in the past have left me with to fix. 

So my conclusion, when it comes to interpreting our dreams, it is important to pay attention closely and to find someone who can properly interpret those dreams so we can know what to expect, and Islam says if it’s a positive dream it is from Allah could also be a warning from Allah it’s a bad dream or a nightmare then that dream is from Sheitan and spit three times to your left, and to not mention it anyone to prevent it from coming true also a dream can occur from when you keep thinking or seeing something I enjoy my dreams they give me something to look forward to but also, they can be distressful not understanding what they mean if I cannot forget a dream I take it that it’s a sign or a message that I have to figure out I believe Allah has given me a gift by giving me dreams as a guideline and my life I know my story may not benefits anyone, but it’s my story that I have learned from. 

I know some people would think I’m overly sensitive about when it comes to dreams positive and negative energies, but that is who I am. God has given me this gift, and I have to embrace that but not be ashamed.  

Monday, August 21, 2023

A mothers cry

It’s been a couple years since my last blog life tends to be pretty busy with my 2 daughters and with work.

Not much has really changed in regards of the issue with my kids I’ve faced some issues a little over a year ago in regards of my ex and his spouse stalking my social media profiles only to report comments out of context to the police I found myself facing public prosecution for a comment I made that I always heard my ex husband say but apparently it shouldn’t be said publicly. 

They made claims that I had made insults  against the country as well as the neighboring country, I told the public prosecutor anyone who knows me on social media well enough knows about my strong pro views on Saudi Arabia along with the government along with submitted proof. 

Alhumdullilah with the long effort of my embassy and careful evaluation of the prosecution office they had me sign a waiver to not do it again. Ever since then I’ve been very cautious in what I put I’ve stopped with political discussions out of fear of saying something and it being taken out of contents again and facing the same issue, I felt as long as I stuck with giving “dawah” I should be fine and just keep private things viewable to people in my life or I personally know. 

I felt that given dawah has helped me a lot, it has helped me heal religiously and helped my relationship with Allah all though I still stumble from time to time that’s life. 

The public prosecution was supposed to arrange a meeting with my ex and try to come to an agreement in regard of my children but unfortunately nothing has taken place InshAllah it will. 

In the mean time the only way i can get updates on my children is through a suspended twitter account watching my exes wife boast about her time with my children and going on and on about how awful of a person I am while she gets praises and I’m slandered Alhumdullilah is all I can say she still religiously watches  my social media accounts waiting for something new to report  to the police or to criticize it’s funny how people stalk for different reasons mine to see how my kids are hers out of spite and to be malicious. 

Ever since being prevented my children my mental health has deteriorated something my exes wife has recently found out about me and likes to humiliate the people who suffer from mental illness and link it to lack of faith. All I can do is feel bad for her though I think it’s commons  though if you take a mothers children away from her prevent her from talking to them and violating court agreements of course it’s going to cause a mental breakdown. 

Everyone keeps telling me that one day my kids will be back with me I really hope that one day and I hope that they will not hate me as I know they’ve poisoned their minds against me I have to be hopeful one day they’ll be back in my life and maybe one day Allah will soften the hearts of my ex and his wife to allow me in my children’s life and to coparent like civil people for the sake of the children. 

I’ve made bad choices that has caused all of this in well aware of that but not in the circumstances of the rumors that people believe. Overall I’ve changed I’ve repented and keep repenting to Allah to forgive me and reunite me with my children. 

Who knows maybe Allah has kept me and my kids apart for a reason for what ever the reason I pray that Allah guides my children back to me I love them more then my own life and that he protects them from illnesses and harm and keeps them on the straight path of Islam and puts in their hearts to forgive me for my mistakes that I made to cause their hardship Ameen. 

Until then I’m reunited with my children my heart will continue to bleed and cry for them. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

A mothers bleeding heart-


It’s been a longtime since the last time I have posted. So much has happened that I have felt completely gutted and broken. So many changes in my life have derailed me where some positive changes have literally saved my life.


I don’t even know where to begin with this. As I write about the things that have happened I write with a broken heart that is holding on to the last brittle thread of hope and a shattered faith that I’m slowly trying to find my way back. I had debated rather I should write or not but realized writing is what helps me feel better and to heal…


Three years ago things were going fine in my life, I had just started a new job with an Oil and Gas company I was promoted as office manager for the V.P. of the company  I was still newly single from my recent divorce I was finally free from the toxic hell of a marriage and was starting to rebuild my confidence I didn’t need to rebuild my Independence that never left I’ve always been a independent person where I’d accept little help I always felt ashamed to ask an I didn’t want to burden anyone. 


My ex-husband moved on rather quickly in his life he remarried my 3 children stayed with him as heart aching of a decision it was to let them stay with him I felt it was in the best interest of my children, their father made double or triple of what I made and I couldn’t have given them the life that they needed and the new wife she seemed to be okay the kids were happy and didn’t complain so I felt happy. I was able to come and see them anytime, I had them over at the house on the weekends or I’d stop by after finishing work to spend time with them. Things came to a halt with visitation when I had suddenly was let go from a previous job that had withheld my salary for 3 months I was literally living on Indomie noodles and bread and cheese for three months I felt ashamed because I couldn’t afford to bring my children to my home and I didn’t want to ask their father that I needed help with getting them food and I didn’t want them to feel board from staying home so I ended up not calling as much my heart broke not talking to them but it broke my heart that I couldn’t explain in why I was unable to come visit them I didn’t want to disappoint them and I also didn’t want their father knowing that I was struggling and to have that ego like “oh I knew she couldn’t make it without me” so I literally kept to myself I did have help but it was more like forceful help because my pride gets in the way of requesting for help.


I applied for three months for different jobs, I had friends help me by sending my cv, arranging interviews but nothing all the money that I was actually saving was from my country but was saving for rent which was around 9,600 for every 6 months on top of that paying utilities leaving me with literally 1-200sar to buy any food with and I bought very little so I would at least have enough to go to interview if I received a call.. Finally after excessive applying I received a call for a interview it was a rather weird interview but alhumdullilah I was happy I got a job finally and could start spending time with my kids again everything was getting better until I learned my kids were moving to a different city, I admit it I lashed out at the new wife because I felt actually I know it was her idea to move so she could be closer to her family I mean we were in the same country but it was an extra expense that was hard for me to afford, I would go visit my kids every other month.


My first visit with my kids when they moved to Jeddah was not as pleasant as I had wished, I had spent nearly 650sar on a plane ticket and around the same for a hotel and was only allowed to see my kids for 4 hours!!! 4HOURS!!!! I didn’t know what to do I had limited money with me at the time so activities were limited but thankfully the hotel had a swimming pool so I was happy my kids wanted to go swimming one they had fun, two: it saved me money. After finishing the kids went back up to my hotel room I searched through my bags searching for shampoo and soap I packed everything in a hurry that I forgot them so I felt it would be okay that they had just rinsed off in the shower all three rinsed and showered and we cuddled in the bed waiting for their father or the driver to come pick them up. I cried. I wanted more time with them it literally broke me into pieces. I had thought about moving closer but I really didn’t want to move I was comfortable where I was at and felt the distance was better even though the expense was a bit inconvenient… I had booked the hotel until Saturday I had arrived late on Thursday due to plane late arrival so I had to wait until the next day to go to the airport and see if I can catch an earlier flight back home. As I was waiting for my flight I had received a message from the step mother accusing me of being careless in not cleansing my children after the swimming pool resulting in my youngest in having a rash, My first thought he had a reaction to the chlorine from the swimming pool and it would just go away but she belittled me and made it out as if I deliberately tried to make my child sick turned out it was hand and foot disease. According to medical studies hand and foot diseases don’t just show up instantly like that they would had to already infected prior the symptoms take time to show up so in that aspect I let their cruel words go knowing that it didn’t happen from my end but theirs. Still I was broken and angered from how I was treated and only able to sit with my kids for a misally 4 hours; finally my flight arrived, I boarded my plane and went back home as I waited for ever for uber arrival at the airport I wanted to get home quickly so I could sleep and be ready to go to work the next day.  


Thankfully things became better I worked, traveled back and forth I was finally able to breath and live freely. Work was good all though the manager was not very kind he treated me and any women who came to an interview like they were not good enough I only held onto the job because I didn’t have anything else lined up.. I enjoyed working there I enjoyed the girls I worked with until one day a couple of the girls had got sick and couldn’t make it so I ended up working alone in the woman’s section. I was doing my work trying to help new employees get medical insurance then heard a knock at the door, It was the manager he came in to discuss what I was doing and what more tasks he needed me to do as I listened taking notes he walked closer to me  and tried to kiss me; I pushed him a way and he shoved me back down to my chair and left the office  I didn’t know what to do at that point  I had asked a friend in what I should do, he asked me if I was able to prove it I said I couldn’t because there’s no cameras in the women’s section and it would be my word against his my friend instructed me to just start looking for another job and pretend like nothing happened…


I did as my friend suggested by my manager would not stop humiliating me he would be little my work where I was the only one coordinating with the other offices to help get new employees their insurance and doing interviews that were his job to do he would say things like I’m wasting money on you and I wasn’t worth the money he was paying me.. As I learned I just kept silent I kept applying different places until finally I found a job in a company I was trying to get into from the start of applying for work, I went to the interview an waited for their reply I was nervous thinking I wouldn’t get in ALHUMDULLILAH I received the email I asked one of the other girls to read it because I was afraid to be disappointed and not accepted, they were so happy for me that I was going to somewhere better but I would miss them but they luckily went to better companies as well…


Finally I was hired into a company I wanted to work for things were a slow process but I didn’t care I was in that’s all I cared about because with Oil and gas once you’re in your in and to finally have an identity with one of the biggest oil companies even if you’re a subcontractor is a stepping stone to better things. I was hired as a logistics coordinator it was something I enjoyed and was very eager to learn, I was then asked by the V.P. if I would be interested in working as his office manager I gladly accepted as it was a higher position and I’d be able to meet important clients of the company.

Things were going great I was working where I wanted, I lived where I needed to be, I was single, I was I was seeing my kids frequently and talking to them even though the step mother and I clashed from time to time we seemed to have gotten along things were perfect. 


I was asked by the companies VP and CEO that they had important clients coming and because I’m a woman they trusted my choice in selecting oud, they gave me a budget and had one of the other secretaries sit in as I went shopping for oud. I booked my uber ride and headed to the Mall of Dhaharan, I went to several shops for bakhoor and oud  but all were out of price range for what I was given I finally went to one last shop where I met a salesman who I never expected would be my husband today lol. I purchased the oud the salesman and I talked for a couple hours but I had to get back to the office my manager was calling me asking where the hell I was lol I had exchanged numbers with the salesman but it would be 3 months later that I’d actually start talking to him. I would go that same mall often it was always so full of life especially on the weekends I would hang with friends from time to time but I often enjoyed my own company.


I don’t know what made me contact my husband that day, I guess I was just feeling a bit lonely and decided to go to the mall and see if that salesman was working I had seen him pass me at a glimpse I messaged him and said I seen him he didn’t reply so I didn’t really bother me I just let it go until I headed into the mall and passed by his shop, He asked me to come in and have a seat we’d talk for hours as he would work in between customers. It was a bit of a challenge because his English wasn’t that great but he had me to practice with, I would come each day after work to go to the mall he then mentioned to me that he was married and had children, it was at that moment I respected a sister and said I would no longer talk to him, I deleted his number and blocked him from messaging me.

 It was I’d say 4 weeks later I had received a message from a strange number from a woman claiming to be the wife of the salesman I was talking to so often she had requested to meet me, I was honestly scared I don’t know why I agreed to meet her but felt it was her right so I met her, we talked she had asked me if I would accept in being her husband’s second wife as she was planning to go back to  Yemen and didn’t want him to fall into haram and respected me for stopping the communication when I learned he was married I told her I would think about it, a few days later the sister would message me asking if I would accept in marrying her brother I said insha’allah I need to clarify things before accepting because I was enjoying my independent single life I wasn’t really looking to meet or marry anyone.

It took my husband a good 9 months to finally convince me to marry him. His wife went back to Yemen our husband started the process in our marriage medical checkup after completing the medical checkup and being in the clear it was 3 months later that we finally got married.


While I was in the process of marrying I had went to go visit my children little did I know it would be the last time I would see them, we went to the cinema to go see the last Toy Story 4 we enjoyed a good meal we went to toysrus and allowed my kids to choose their own toy my oldest chose a nerf gun, my daughter a hula-hoop, my youngest son chose a set of hotwheels. We went back to the hotel to rest for a while I had ordered our dinner and we slept for the night I asked them what they’d like to do the following day and they wanted to go to the pet store it was a odd request but who am I to say no? We went where my oldest son held his first snake he felt so proud and brave I was proud that he wasn’t scared he’s always been my adventurous child insha’allah he will always be that way. We finished with the pet store and we had a bite to eat before they would go back to their father we sat in the lobby of the hotel as my son was scrolling through my pictures where he’d seen pictures of my fiancé and I together, I had planned to tell them but in the right moment.



Their father had finally arrived where it would be the last time I would hug and hold each one and take many selfies together I remember telling my oldest baby as he came back to hug me one last time crying I told him don’t cry I will be back again in a month.  That month came and contacted the step mother as it was in her request that I had to go through her to talk to my kids or discuss anything about them instead of their father because apparently to her it was haram for me to talk to my ex husband. I had told her I had planned to come in October which was for my oldest sons birthday it was at that moment my entire world would completely shatter, she told me I would no longer be allowed to see my kids until I had permission from the court, I wasn’t given an explanation but to give up full custody I was completely gutted and confused I asked why and was never given an explanation until I decided I wasn’t going to give up custody but would seek my rights for visitation I hadn’t done anything wrong.


I panicked a million things went through my mind in why I was suddenly being prevented from seeing my children one of my friends refereed me to a lawyer who offered me his help for free unfortunately that free service changed when he learned I was engaged to a Yemeni he pleaded with me to meet other Saudis to change my mind but once he realized my mind was set and he couldn’t detour my mind his services to help me became garbage! The last time I had seen that lawyer he had requested me to come in when I arrived and went into the office to my shock my ex husband was there I jumped and looked like a deer in headlights I was angry at my lawyer for not telling me I felt ambushed, it was there I sat and listened to the lies my ex husband fed me while watching his crocodile tears about our son not doing well he then asked me who the man was in my social media because him and his wife were stalking my social media profiles to gain a much bigger case against me. I told him he was my fiancé where he didn’t believe me he told the lawyer I was going through  said that was doing hashish and a bunch of random lies that I was also allowing men to meet my children  which never happened I have always been very private when it came to my time with my kids that time was with me and them and no one else, it clicked that the man they were referring to was my fiancé.


Each time I had went to Jeddah I had booked a single flight a single room with a king size bed so me and my children could share it anyone knows in Saudi Arabia that you can’t rent a hotel room with someone who’s not your husband without proper documentation of proof! My fiancé never met my kids I had asked a sheikh if it was haram for be to be close to my fiancé intimately, the sheikh instructed you have the intention of marrying and have gone through the proper requirements so no its not haram its allowed to be intimate with your fiancé my ex husband made it out to be that I was committing haram that was the last time I seen my ex husband face to face and the last time I dealt with that bad lawyer he handed me my file an said to find a different lawyer and he had wasted time on mine when he could had made money else where.

The claims my ex husband made against me were also in that file it was at that point my ex husbands fake tears and trying to get me to settle things outside the court were all fake so he could further more control me to have supervised visits as if I were a threat or danger to my children.


The claims against me were;


1.       I had cats

2.       I smoked

3.       I was doing hashish

4.       I was committing haram with my fiancé who’s now my husband

5.       a case that I was abused a child was also used against me.

6.       It was mentioned I was mentally ill and unstable

7.       I had a brain tumor (because I was being screened for MS and had to be hospitalized)

8.       I don’t pray on time

9.       For being to Western (American)


I was appalled at the claims even if they were true none of them a reason to prevent me from my kids well except the hashish one but I wasn’t doing that..!!!


I took the file and went to a different lawyer I had went to before to see my rights before I married my Yemeni husband I felt he was the perfect fit since he knew I was being sincere and not looking to make any problems an wasn’t committing haram I ended up giving him power of attorney paying him full up front he helped but not to the extent I needed someone to help fight for me.. I had to go under psychiatric evaluation to assure that I was not mentally unstable I brought documents to support that I’m medically fine that I didn’t suffer from any mental illness and was in no way a threat or danger to my kids and explained to them that everything was agreed before that I could see them anytime and didn’t understand why they were doing this to me. Every time I would call my kids the innocent laughter and jokes started to slowly change into serious questions and short phone calls that were evaluated by my ex husband and his wife it broke my heart and it all made sense in why my kids were not doing well! I know divorce can be hard on kids but using children to be against their mother would be beyond damaging alhumdullilah I passed the evaluation only to be told I’d have to go under a second evaluation WHY!!!! During the second evaluation I completely broke down and told them you guys are against me because I’m not Saudi and of course you will side with him as I handed them proof against the false claims it was then that the court sided in my favor to see my kids… Finally a sigh of relief right? WRONG!!!


Well during the times of fighting my case I did have some bitter sweet moments I married my husband in January 21,2020 it was a very trialing time because when he met me I was so full of energy and spontaneous when things happened with my kids being prevented from them it literally devastated me mentally, physically, to the point I ended up losing my train of thought in my work I couldn’t focus anymore and I didn’t care it came to the point of me losing my job from my unite being restructured then facing court for my kids I hit rock bottom, I had planned to visit USA with the settlement from the company then corona happened we were all quarantined I felt well fuck I just can’t win!!! I just want to breath and to live without the fucking problems what did I do to deserve to be dealt with like this just why? I didn’t even start anything with them!!! I’ve done everything they requested and they still want to fight me to make me miserable!


I was able to find work with my husband as a salesman its not what I wanted but it was work and it kept my mind distracted from the chaotic problems it would be in June that I found out I would be expecting my 4th child I was ecstatic so happy to the point I stopped smoking my baby girl literally saved my life from rock bottom and gave me a reason to keep fighting in this life and for my rights alhumdulliah she was born February 23rd 2021 3 days before her younger brothers birthday with a 7 year age gap.




Meanwhile I was winning my case in the court  the step mom was stalking my social media an slandering me on her whatsapp messenger for everyone to see talking about me being a bitch (whore) or saying I wasn’t good enough so I was replaced (which was funny since shes’ also divorced and remarried)  I didn’t understand why until I received a call from the police station, I asked for what! He had mentioned that the step mother had filed a claim against me saying I talked badly about her on my social media I thought it was only 1-2 posts until I had to make a trip the police station to see page after page of accusations against me claiming I talked badly of my ex-husband asking for money and exposing them to the media demanding my rights and talking against the country.


My heart sank more and more as I read each post that they had reported it came to the post I had talked about talking to my oldest daughter when she asked why I didn’t want them that they were shown lies of me saying I didn’t want them I broke down and told the police this man is trying to prevent me from my kids he told me to bring all proof so it can be added as support to my case it would be 3 months later that I would have to face the public prosecution to explain more in what I had meant in my comments that were used against me, I told him that the problems I’m facing in the court in regards of my children that the man I was married to for 8 years knows very well I’d never speak against the country let alone the government and he’s using it to further prevent me from my kids.


It has been since before Eid Al Adha since I’ve heard anything from the public prosecution office  in what my fate will be, the last thing that was mentioned was that they’d contact my ex to try to get him to drop the case and to forgive me. It has been 2 years since I have seen my children it has been almost 1 year since I have been able to talk to my kids since the step mother has blocked me from calling my kids it is like my children have been kidnapped from me I can see them, I can’t touch them, I can’t talk to them I can’t even tell them they have a new sister which I’m sure they know since they’re probably still watching my social media.


The past 2 years have been incredibly hard every day I pray that I seek justice and will see my kids again, everyone tells me that my children will come back and will be looking for me I just fear that they will hate me with the lies that they were told about me, Im not a perfect mom but I love my kids and nothing I’ve done was ever in intent to hurt them I love them so much I miss them it hurts so much being away from them and not being able to hold my youngest son having his soft arms around my neck  I miss the laughter and the random math questions my oldest asks me I hope insha’allah soon that I will seek justice and that the ones who have been unfair will seek their punishment for their unfair and unjust actions .

Things have been a never ending roller coaster ride I'm holding onto the faith that I have and onto hope that justice will soon be served and i'll again be able to see and hold my kids again and be able to be happy again..



For my sweet babies if you ever see this or get to read it please know your mother loves you so much an will always love you and will never stop fighting for you until my heart stops beating and please do not listen to the lies of the people around you may Allah keep your health, May Allah keep you safe, and May Allah reunite us again soon Ameen.

وَلَا تَحۡسَبَنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَـٰفِلاً عَمَّا يَعۡمَلُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَ‌ۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمۡ لِيَوۡمٍ۬ تَشۡخَصُ فِيهِ ٱلۡأَبۡصَـٰرُ (٤٢)
وَلَا تَحۡسَبَنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَـٰفِلاً عَمَّا يَعۡمَلُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَ‌ۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمۡ لِيَوۡمٍ۬ تَشۡخَصُ فِيهِ ٱلۡأَبۡصَـٰرُ (٤٢)

Monday, September 2, 2019

Whats in a Dream part 2

What’s in a dream part 2:

In Islam they say that there are three types of dreams Rahmani: (those that come from Allah), Nafsaani (psychological, they come from within a person) and Shaytani (Those that come from Shaytan), said: “Dreams are of three types: a dream from Allaah, a dream which causes distress and which comes from the Shaytaan, and a dream which comes from what a person thinks about when he is awake, and he sees it when he is asleep.

All dreams are either of two types:
1.       True dreams. These are the dreams of the Prophets and of the righteous people who follow them. They may also happen to other people, but this is very rare, such as the dream of the kaafir king which was interpreted for him by Yoosuf (peace be upon him). True dreams are those which come true in real life as they were seen in the dream.
2.       Mixed up false dreams, which warn of something. These are of different types:
1.       Games of the Shaytaan to make a person distressed, such as when he sees his head cut off and he is following it, or he sees himself falling into a crisis and cannot find anyone to save him from it, and so on.
2.       When he sees some of the angels telling him to do something forbidden, or other things that cannot possibly make sense.
3.       When he sees something that happens to him in real life, or he wishes it would happen, and he sees it very realistically in his dream; or he see what usually happens to him when he is awake or what reflects his mood. These dreams usually speak of the future or the present, rarely of the past.

I am the type of person who looks to dreams as a form of guidance in how to look and approach the things in my life or what to possibly expect in the coming and Allah is communicating with me in these dreams most of my dreams I do not even look into the meaning of them unless I cannot forget them.

Here I tell you my most recent dream that not only made me aware that something is coming and that insha'alla (GOD WILLING) that I will get through it. In this particular dream there were several sceneries. 

Lens scene
I was in a building with friends and family they had a zooming in lens or I guess you could say it was a telescope or binoculars out of curiosity I decided to take a look and came across a beautiful pond of water.

Pond scene
After visiting with friends I had decided to take a stroll  in a area that I really didn't know where I was at basically kind of wondering in this part of the dream I felt Allah was warning me of my current situation in where I am in my faith in Islam where I tend to struggle with my praying there are times I pray on time and than times where I don't pray at all so this part of the dream I felt Allah is warning me at the same time I'm committed to my faith.

Walking scene

Wondering Scene

Lastly part of my dream was being in a small boat at sea looking over the beautiful sea along comes a huge vessel ship no the explanation in this dream gave me two different insights that what ever is expected to come my way that I could face a tragedy or I will be safe from what ever is yet to come.
Vessel explanation 1

Vessel explanation 2

Many people tell you that you should keep most of your dreams to yourself ether if they're good or if they're bad if they're bad and gave you bad feeling than this dream is from shaytan and you should tell no one and as you wake up spit to the left 3 times to avoid it coming to a reality and harming you.

Dreams to me are a guideline I depend on dreams maybe I shouldn't be completely reliant on dreams but I feel that they help me in how I should approach each coming situation... 

As my situation now I have my job that I'm approaching my evaluation for completion of 1 year within the company that I am in now all though everything in the company has been going well I feel confident that I've done well and I can become even better if they allowed me to continue with them but sometimes there is always a sense of worry that something could go wrong and they let me go I quite enjoy my work I have struggled in the beginning due to illnesses those illnesses have their episodes where I'm fine and than there's times that my body completely shuts down and I can't move or feel anything so this maybe a concern in the company..

Second situation: the possibility of marriage! why is this a concern when marriage is supposed to be a happy time a step of commitment of sharing your life with another person and also completing half of your deen (faith).. Normally yes it is a happy time when you realize the person that you have chosen has helped you to be a better version of yourself and has saved you from many other things that could destroy your relation completely with Allah.

For me my situation is a bit more complicated I live in one of the most conservative countries Saudi Arabia even though things in the country are changing for the better there are still things that can make things difficult marriage being one of them... I have what they call Iqama (residency Card) each card is ether under the sponsor of a company if you're brought to the country to work or you're under the sponsor of your husband (if you married a Saudi)  my Iqama is under (Mother of citizens) my sponsor is listed under my name; so what does this mean? this means that I am the mother of Saudis and also since the sponsor is listed under myself than I am to be treated the same as Saudis so that I can obtain jobs that under the saudinization I can fill those gaps if needed.

So what is the connection between my iqama and my status and getting married? that's the curve ball that I'm trying to find a way around, The man I have chosen to be my potential husband isn't a Saudi in fact as most of you who've been following my blogs he's Yemeni; and there's nothing wrong with that right? No! except for the fact both countries are currently at war so the problem I am facing right now is that If I was to marry this man that I would lose all of my Saudi benefits making it much harder of me in the country to 1 obtain a job 2 some say my iqama would change from mother of citizens to wife of Yemeni so if there was ever a problem that my husband was to leave the country I would have to also follow regardless if I have Saudi children here yet I don't know if that alone would save me to stay here if that were to happen Insha'allah it wont.

As of now I have went through a lawyer to consult in what I could do to know my rights and unfortunately the outcome was not as expected well I guess it was expected. This result it only brought more confusion and frustration of those who've visited the Court for marriage, The passport office, as well as the labor office each one mentioned that it wouldn't affect my status at all unless I had children then my Iqama would change but until now nothing is clear...

When I had those dreams I felt that it was preparing me for what is yet to come in each explanation or Interpretation of each dream aside of the wondering dream each interpretation mentions safety, calamities of the situation and the person will be safe and that insha'allah *the outcome* in the end I feel Allah is telling me that everything will be fine I have trusted Allah before with the dreams I had before and he didn't let me down so i'm holding on to faith and insha'allah this will see me through to the best path..

Dream Interpretations: https://www.myislamicdream.com/       

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Ugly Reality

The Ugly Reality:

All through my life I’ve seen the ugly reality of dividing of the people, In America within Mexicans and across the Arab world.

Even within my family there has always been a divide ether you agree with the same political or religious views or you are an outcast for having your differences; I have always been the diverse one in my family ether by questioning my faith in why I have to pray to “Jesus” who Christians believe to have died for their sins or to believe he is the son of God I have asked before why should I ask someone to forgive my sins when he didn’t create me and why should he pay for a sin that I had committed In response I was told “to not to question but just accept it for what it is” also in the bible it is mentioned that prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) had committed adultery with Hajar and Prophet King David killed a man to be-wed the wife of Uriah the question was asked why would God (Allah) send these people to speak the word of God (Allah) and then would commit the biggest sins that Allah had forbidden these things questions were never answered in a clear response other than I was what God had said and I was to accept it for myself I could not accept something that was not clear and something that logically didn’t make any sense!!!

In my family from my mother’s side are conservative republicans me on the other hand the free thinker I don’t consider myself a republican or Democrat nor a Libertarian, If I agree with a republican view I’m considered a conservative, If I agree with a Democratic view I’m considered pro-choice or against the 2nd amendment (the Right to bear arms *meaning: Against firearms) this is not the case! I feel there is a time and place for each view for instance if my 10 year old daughter was to be raped and became pregnant the republicans would think that it would be against God’s law to terminate the pregnancy because the unborn child has rights as a pro-choice view I don’t like the thought of ending a life but to allow a 10 year old child to be forced to carry a child after going through a brutal mater of rape is unsettling and I could never put my child through that and would demand an abortion! In my families views this is unheard of or there is something wrong with me for having a different opinion that should be a logical response in certain case! As for the 2nd amendment the right to bear arms yes I am supporting for responsible gun owners to have guns but I’m also against the idea of people being allowed to have firearms that are meant for a war zone I understand the idea of having a weapon to be able to protect and to defend themselves but why does one need a weapon that shoots multiple rounds per second? I do not feel the 2nd amendment should be removed but I do believe some changes to make people’s lives safer is a definite must but in my families mind it Is taking one of their rights away many of my family would fight me on this view without understanding or thinking about the effects that the current situation of gun control problem that America is facing.

When it comes to race I will be the first to admit yes I do face a discrimination or racial issue this is a self-matter and of my upbringing. My father is a Mexican my mother an American right now in my country in America there is a divide with whites against, Latinos, African Americans, and Asians, and Arabs gays lesbians etc.; Some Whites think that the Mexicans that are coming to America are illegal and the ones that come to America are ether criminals, drug dealers, rapists Then there’s the black community where many think that they’re criminals, going to rob you or in gangs, where the Arabs are considered the terrorist community looking to take over America or to commit Jihad on those who don’t accept Islam, You have the Gay and Lesbian community where some believe that equal rights for a man to marry a man a woman to marry a woman and to be able to use the same bathroom if their a transgender…

When I started to learn about Islam I was immediately profiled by my school as a potential terrorist to the point during the 1st anniversary of September 11th I was put in a In-school suspension because they thought me talking to Muslims that I was a potential threat I had many of my classmates who would fight with me calling me a traitor to the country because of my sudden interest in Islam and my communicating with Muslims from all different countries, My first influences to Islam were actually Iranians! I had spent a lot of time with Iranians trying to learn about their culture. When I was learning about Islam I had met Muslims of different countries that invited me into their homes just so I could learn about Islam the first family that I had welcomed me into their home were Palestinian, I would spend weekends with them sometimes during the holidays I had Lebanese, Egyptian, Iranians, who were all very welcoming to me into their homes each family I had stayed with I adapted into my life living with them I had realized the path I wanted I wanted the path of Islam.

When I had finally took my shahada (oath to become Muslim also the 1st pillar of Islam) these families were the first impression of Islam that I had ever had and was the impression that made me want to become Muslim, After my reversion to Islam I soon realized in who my true friends were also my family.
Even though my mother and sisters and a few of my aunts and cousins talk to me from my mother’s side the rest of my mother’s side of the family have considered me as a stranger of the family the friends I used to have considered me as a traitor and no longer talked to me.

Later on I would meet my first Saudi friends this was back in 2002 that I had started talking to Saudi’s at this time I still didn’t really like them because of the things that I heard about them on the Media claiming that they’re were responsible for 9/11 and for a lot of the Muslim crimes I remember meeting them the first time with a female friend of mine we had went to their apartment because they were having a gathering the Saudi males came out in thobe and gootra (Saudi traditional dress) and I was terrified I thought oh my God they’re going to kill me (I know its funny now but in reality sad) the time I had spent with them they were welcoming answering all the questions that I’ve ever wanted to ask to clear misconceptions about Islam to how Saudis have been betrayed in the media to how the life in Saudi really was; it was at that point I had realized in how manipulative the media really was also realizing that I wanted a life in Saudi Arabia with Saudi people I fell in love with their culture with their hospitality (keep in mind majority of Arabs are pretty hospitable) but I wanted a life with Saudis in Saudi Arabia my deep love and respect grew from there and my learning about Saudi Arabia to Saudis began.

When I had returned back home to live back home I had met an Iraqi family who until now I will always consider close to my heart because while my family have shut me out because of my new out-coming of being Muslim they filled the empty family feeling gap with them I entered my first masjid I would later on meet other Muslim ladies from Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Turkey and another Iraqi lady who until now is my best friend who I hold dearly to my heart.

That year I started to attend a university in the University of Toledo in Ohio to begin my studies as a criminal justice major during my time in the university I had the opportunity to attend Islamic conference’s where you could attend Islamic lectures meet other Muslims share your views it was the best time of my life to be honest I enjoyed it greatly and helped me to gain the knowledge until this day I have about Islam I would also learn about the conflict with Israel and Palestine and the other conflicts between other Arabic nations I would hear stories from Egyptians against Saudis, Sudani against Egyptian, Saudis against Egyptians and the list of dislike of stories of each other never ended but the biggest hate was towards Saudi and the gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman) in how much money they have but never help other Muslims in need.

When I started to become interested in marriage I specifically wanted to marry from a Saudi when many of my friends knew my love for Saudi Arabia and Saudi people many had told me that Saudis were bad they weren’t good, I would hear this from my Turkish, Syrian, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, friends they would always talk about Saudi Arabia in a bad way in how bad their rules were and how bad they treat women to how bad their leaders were and mostly their men were bad!!! The one Kuwaiti woman had told me marry from Egypt, Palestine, Yemen, Iraqi or Kuwaiti any nationality but Saudi the only friend who understood my views and accepted me was my best friend my Iraqi friend ether it was became we had the same views or we wanted the same things but she was the only one who stood by my side when I had married my Saudi husband those girls who claimed to be my friends stopped talking to me and never talked to me again.

While being married to my husband I never expected to be the Saudi life as it was I knew in the beginning that it maybe conflicting but never thought about how divided Saudi Arabia was, when I came to Saudi Arabia I didn’t know much about the family names or the regions (South, East, North, and West etc.) When people would ask in what region my husband was from when they heard his last name the response was always the same (OH my God how did you end up with a Jazani *from South region*) or they’d say “May Allah be with you” where some would say that many are good.  Something my ex-husband had told me that every tribe from each region will think and believe that their family and region is the best apart from everyone else and will always help each other while shutting out other tribes from other regions and this is a big thing that many of us non Saudi wives married to Saudis have seen and faced. I have alhumdullilah (thanks to God) have met my fair share of good Saudi people from each region of the country maybe it’s because I’m American is the reason I see things the way I do…

I have been divorced for three years now apart from my ex-husband and or differences I have accepted my fate but now I want to get married again in the beginning I had only wanted to marry a Saudi why? Because this was the life I was used to since 2002 until now of 2019 that’s 17 years that I had dedicated my life to learn about the life, mentality, the Saudi way of life that I could never pull myself away from it and never will I do so I love Saudi Arabia and that will be something that will never will be changed no matter how hard anyone tries.

For the past couple years I’ve gained a new interest as many who’ve been following me for quite some time know I’ve been solely interested in Saudis but now the new interest has involved Yemen, Why many ask? As I’ve told people firstly Yemenis are the first Arab, secondly they play a huge history role in Saudi Arabia would I be this interested in Yemenis if they didn’t have a history in Saudi Arabia? (sadly no) with this new interest I have faced a lot of backlash from Saudis, where right now it is understandable for the fact there is conflict with the two countries but at the same time it is downright sad for both sides in how each side see’s each other.  You have Saudis who’re against Yemenis being in the country and think they should go back to their own country to fight against the Houthi and to build their country and you have the Saudis who’re kind pure white hearted and would like to see the Yemenis who have been here for years upon years to be able to live in harmony with each other I do understand that both have lived with each other and may have a better understanding in how things are the way there are but I’m speaking from a different perspective..

In my current life news I have become interested in marrying a Yemeni man for some of my friends many would prefer for me to marry a Saudi for the fact that was what I always wanted and never wanted anything but Saudis but even some of the Saudis I know will tell me to not to marry from the South region, than you have the south region telling me to not to marry from Riyadh and others telling me to marry Saudis from the hijaz area (Jeddah, Makkah, Medina area) then there’s the ones God forbid that I dare to marry a Yemeni (because of the conflict of what’s going on) but some are supportive to the idea as long as I’m happy and the person is good is what matters.

These days the bachelor that I want to marry has been spending at least 4 months of our knowing each other in ways for us to get married each time he had asked I told him look I can’t marry you because my status in the country would be at jeopardy he has spent tirelessly looking for a way for us to be together without it affecting my status in the country he has told me if there is no way for us to be together without it affecting me than we will not get married, Many people have consulted us to get married in Bahrain than theirs ones that have raised the concern that maybe it would be considered illegal in Saudi Arabia and would face some issues within the country as well as with the company I’m working with. People have questioned my awareness of the reality of my choices of marrying a Yemeni some have degraded the idea considering the fact marrying a Yemeni is a downgrade or low class questioned if this person is marrying me for his own benefit (American citizenship). I Have sat down with this person who wants to marry me I’ve discussed that I would not help him get citizenship if that was what he wanted and I had made it crystal clear that I refuse to live nowhere else but Saudi Arabia  he has the same views he wants to live in Saudi Arabia and doesn’t have any interest in living in America but why is this so hard for others to believe that a Yemeni doesn’t have any interest in living in America or gaining the nationality let alone sincerely wanting to live in Saudi or to marry me with pure intentions!!!

I have went to court office in Saudi Arabia looking for answers to confirm that my status in Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be affected if I married a Yemeni the court judge said my status wouldn’t be affected, the man who had translated requested for my number so that he could help us get more clear answers I agreed and gave him my number out of acceptance from my insha’allah (god willing) future husband.  
He had later on called me to discuss the matters to ask some questions about if his family accepting the marriage, where I work, where he works and then he asked about why I had asked about the change of rules of marrying a Saudi if any new rule changes have occurred he assumed that I was interested in marrying a Saudi instead but I explained to him no, I’m on social media and I discuss a lot of issues about Saudi Arabia trying to change the negative views and a lot of people on my social media plat form look to me to any new law changes and explained this was my only interest in wanting to know; He continued after my explanation why I wanted to marry a Yemeni he said you’re American Saudi Arabia and America have a good relationship where Yemen does not why don’t you look to marry from a Saudi?

Actually I was not surprised from the response. When he continued to degrade the person I was interested in trying to persuade my choice in marrying a Yemeni because he thinks that my choice would look bad on me or would affect my future in Saudi Arabia  to be honest I really don’t know if it would affect my future maybe it would maybe it wouldn’t.

 So far I have been given mixed responses some say my status won’t change, some say my status will change some saying that my work might be affected and when this person who called me in telling me and my potential spouse that he’d help me and then trying to derail me to something else this really shook me to the core on who I can really trust for sincere help or to know who’s truly happy for me and to help me in doing things in the right way so that me and my future husband can live comfortably and without worry!!! True sincere friends or for those who want to help will never try to change your mind they may give you a few insights in how some people are but they would never try to hurt you in trying to change your mind I had told this person this man who loves me has spent months finding ways going to court after court, passport office to other offices to assure nothing will happen to my status to me that is a sincere man a real man who wants the best for me and for him a man who isn’t sincere in marriage wouldn’t even look for a way they’d look for easy excuses and then mostly leave this man has been by my side through my good sides my bad sides when I was in the hospital he refused to leave my side and took care of me for the first time in a long time I felt loved and valued and felt like I actually mattered.

My conclusion of this big divide that I have faced literally my entire life and I’m sure that everyone has faced similar situations some point in their life but where does this divide come from? It comes from the media, it comes from our upbringing in how our families raise us to the point if we think differently in society today you have to pick left or right if you go in the middle you’re on your own we have reached a point in this life where some are afraid to think in a different way out of worry to offend other people or to create tension within their family or communities. Thankfully they are some who are willing to learn about other people and listen to their differences to listen to the other persons concerns to try to see a way to make a better life for everyone to live in peace but there is also the ugly reality of those who just don’t want to change their views because they’ve been raised to think in a certain way all of their life.

One of the most important things I have ever learned in my life is to push the boundaries when someone says no ask why? Ask why until you understand and to take risks when there’s a warning find out why that warning is there (don’t do something that will cost you your life) but learn the reason behind every No, Yes, Why, don’t do that, warning I’ve always been the one if someone says this person is the enemy I want to know why he is the enemy I will talk to that enemy to see their opinion to have a clear vision from both sides and then be able to decide which I feel is right.

The only way you can know about something is asking if it doesn’t make sense than it’s not the truth because the truth makes sense and doing the right thing should make you feel good or better if it doesn’t make you feel better than it’s not the right thing  I have learned more in my life by taking the path that many people told me that I couldn’t do it has thrown obstacles but it made me grow it made me learn about the life I chose it gave me a clear insight of the things around me that’s going on in the end I’ve been given the ability to choose what is right for me.

What’s right for me may not be what’s right for someone else but as they say choose the path that scares you the most because it is the path that will help you grow even if it means thinking  against how society expects you to think it is better to think against the minority than being the same as everyone else but as long as we keep dividing each other and not listening to each other the divide will always be there in order for a positive change we have to listen to each other and want the best for each other even if it means letting someone live in our country for a better life most importantly supporting one another for the good things that this life has to offer in the end we’re accountable for what we do and God (Allah) will hold each and every one of us responsible for who we’ve harmed with our words, our actions, and behavior and how that person was affected but Allah will also reward those who’re kind, caring, and helping to those who are in sincere without expecting benefit from the other person that they’re helping the only benefit one should be looking forward to is from Allah “ Do to others as you would have them do to you”(Luke 6:31) “ No one of you becomes a true believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself”( Hadith: Al- Bukhairi and Muslim).