What’s in a dream part 2:
In Islam they say that there are three types of dreams
Rahmani: (those that come from Allah), Nafsaani (psychological, they come from within a person) and
Shaytani (Those that come from Shaytan), said:
“Dreams are of three types: a dream from Allaah, a dream which causes distress
and which comes from the Shaytaan, and a dream which comes from what a person
thinks about when he is awake, and he sees it when he is asleep.
dreams are either of two types:
True dreams. These are the dreams of the Prophets and of the
righteous people who follow them. They may also happen to other people, but
this is very rare, such as the dream of the kaafir king which was interpreted
for him by Yoosuf (peace be upon him). True dreams are those which come true in
real life as they were seen in the dream.
Mixed up false dreams, which warn of something. These are of
different types:
Games of the Shaytaan to make a person distressed, such as when
he sees his head cut off and he is following it, or he sees himself falling
into a crisis and cannot find anyone to save him from it, and so on.
When he sees some of the angels telling him to do something
forbidden, or other things that cannot possibly make sense.
When he sees something that happens to him in real life, or he
wishes it would happen, and he sees it very realistically in his dream; or he
see what usually happens to him when he is awake or what reflects his mood.
These dreams usually speak of the future or the present, rarely of the past.
I am the type of person who
looks to dreams as a form of guidance in how to look and approach the things in
my life or what to possibly expect in the coming and Allah is communicating
with me in these dreams most of my dreams I do not even look into the meaning
of them unless I cannot forget them.
Here I tell you my most recent dream that not only made me aware that something is coming and that insha'alla (GOD WILLING) that I will get through it. In this particular dream there were several sceneries.
Lens scene |
Pond scene |
Walking scene |
Wondering Scene |
Vessel explanation 1 |
Vessel explanation 2 |
Many people tell you that you should keep most of your dreams to yourself ether if they're good or if they're bad if they're bad and gave you bad feeling than this dream is from shaytan and you should tell no one and as you wake up spit to the left 3 times to avoid it coming to a reality and harming you.
Dreams to me are a guideline I depend on dreams maybe I shouldn't be completely reliant on dreams but I feel that they help me in how I should approach each coming situation...
As my situation now I have my job that I'm approaching my evaluation for completion of 1 year within the company that I am in now all though everything in the company has been going well I feel confident that I've done well and I can become even better if they allowed me to continue with them but sometimes there is always a sense of worry that something could go wrong and they let me go I quite enjoy my work I have struggled in the beginning due to illnesses those illnesses have their episodes where I'm fine and than there's times that my body completely shuts down and I can't move or feel anything so this maybe a concern in the company..
Second situation: the possibility of marriage! why is this a concern when marriage is supposed to be a happy time a step of commitment of sharing your life with another person and also completing half of your deen (faith).. Normally yes it is a happy time when you realize the person that you have chosen has helped you to be a better version of yourself and has saved you from many other things that could destroy your relation completely with Allah.
For me my situation is a bit more complicated I live in one of the most conservative countries Saudi Arabia even though things in the country are changing for the better there are still things that can make things difficult marriage being one of them... I have what they call Iqama (residency Card) each card is ether under the sponsor of a company if you're brought to the country to work or you're under the sponsor of your husband (if you married a Saudi) my Iqama is under (Mother of citizens) my sponsor is listed under my name; so what does this mean? this means that I am the mother of Saudis and also since the sponsor is listed under myself than I am to be treated the same as Saudis so that I can obtain jobs that under the saudinization I can fill those gaps if needed.
So what is the connection between my iqama and my status and getting married? that's the curve ball that I'm trying to find a way around, The man I have chosen to be my potential husband isn't a Saudi in fact as most of you who've been following my blogs he's Yemeni; and there's nothing wrong with that right? No! except for the fact both countries are currently at war so the problem I am facing right now is that If I was to marry this man that I would lose all of my Saudi benefits making it much harder of me in the country to 1 obtain a job 2 some say my iqama would change from mother of citizens to wife of Yemeni so if there was ever a problem that my husband was to leave the country I would have to also follow regardless if I have Saudi children here yet I don't know if that alone would save me to stay here if that were to happen Insha'allah it wont.
As of now I have went through a lawyer to consult in what I could do to know my rights and unfortunately the outcome was not as expected well I guess it was expected. This result it only brought more confusion and frustration of those who've visited the Court for marriage, The passport office, as well as the labor office each one mentioned that it wouldn't affect my status at all unless I had children then my Iqama would change but until now nothing is clear...
When I had those dreams I felt that it was preparing me for what is yet to come in each explanation or Interpretation of each dream aside of the wondering dream each interpretation mentions safety, calamities of the situation and the person will be safe and that insha'allah *the outcome* in the end I feel Allah is telling me that everything will be fine I have trusted Allah before with the dreams I had before and he didn't let me down so i'm holding on to faith and insha'allah this will see me through to the best path..
Whats in a dream part 1: https://loveforksa.blogspot.com/2016/06/whats-in-dream.html
Dream Interpretations: https://www.myislamicdream.com/