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national day here in Saudi Arabia. |
many questions I always hear from people are these and thought I'd address them.
"which do you like living better in America or Saudi Arabia"
"Has moving to another country been easier to learn arabic"
"how was it giving birth there?"
"what are the things you miss most from America?"
Firstly I will answer the first question, Where do I like living more in America or Saudi Arabia? well every country is going to have its fair share of problems you can ether nit pick at everything or learn to accept the imperfections of the home you choose to live in. 1. I love Saudi Arabia as you all already know but for anyone from Saudi Arabia who has traveled outside there country knows how a proper system is and how much more comfortable it is to have an actual fixed system, such as a decent Traffic laws,hospital system, customer service mind you though Saudi Arabia is an 82 year old country that is still developing so I have faith in its potential.
The only complaints I have about Saudi Arabia is this, it's one of the richest countries in the world and yet the roads are poorly made with cheap quality this is the fault of the companies mind you not the government this is one of the many issues here besides the fact that many cities rely on water tanks,gas tanks and some do not have internet access still and the poor hospital service and the cleansing-less of the country the first thought that comes to mind as an American living here is this is the richest country in the world and yet this is how things are here Dubai is a much younger country and very wealthy and look at where they are???
I know you ask if I think like this then why do I live here? well as I said its a young country and it will get there insha'allah so which do I love to live more?
If Saudi Arabia had the systems like in the western countries then it would be more enjoyable and if America had the religion Saudi Arabia has it would be more enjoyable so there really isn't an easy way to answer and to be frank I love both for how they are ether developed or under developed I came to Saudi Arabia because I love the people and the culture and I can handle and deal past the imperfections I love America because it's my country and my family are there but I also love Saudi Arabia because the people here are the family who will always be there "islamicly speaking"
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This is the crazy traffic I'm talking about!!!
second question, Has moving here helped improve my Arabic?:
well yes and no! I have gained a few more words here and there I have memorized the numbers in Arabic but I don't get out much here and having 3 kids now it makes it kind of difficult to do much around here, I know it really isn't much of an excuse but it is what it is for me and insha'allah I will learn.
All though I don't know much Arabic here your forced to learn which can be ether a good thing or the "culture shock" some warned me about, to be honest I'm still waiting for the culture shock to set in I think the only struggle in this country is not knowing how to communicate well, even though I do not speak arabic something I have realized is when people speak here they use a lot of hand gestures and that helps a lot when I am listening to someone talk to me.
I feel like it's going to take me a life time to learn Arabic many people such as my neighbors who are good people always want me to come and join the for coffee or tea but I always feel shy because I don't speak arabic and feel it will be awkward but I guess the only way to break this barrier and to learn is to join the people I love so much! Insha'allah soon I'll be taking classes so I can learn to speak better Insha'allah.
Third question, How was giving birth here?: well for those who do not know me or have been following me yes I have given birth to a little boy who we called Sulaiman very healthy alhumdullilah and he's growing so quickly masha'allah, anyways the birth story :) as many of you have been waiting...
I was honestly really terrified of delivering here because I have heard so many horror stories like for example the husband not being allowed in the delivery room with me, another is from a friend who was delivering her first baby and asked for an epidural and was given the wrong anesthetic an was given something that paralyzed her for a ceserian section learning this terrified me, so I made it my goal that I would have a drug free labor and that my husband "Will" be in the room with me!!! my husband works in the hospital so it was kind of easy of getting what I wanted as many know here in Saudi Arabia in order to get something that can be sometimes impossible is you have to have a "wasta" to get around here meaning "influence or someone who can pull strings for you".
My arrival at the hospital was very different compared how it would be in America in America you go directly to the maternity ward and they just take you into delivery as your information is already gathered prior to being admitted, here they take vitals and take finger prints like they would normally do after you deliver your baby and ask the basic questions the pain from 1-10 me thinking lady i'm in labor the pain is 100 just get me into delivery as I'm crying in pain in the lobby and people are looking like is she going to die? lol an as I get to the doors of delivery I stopped them from wheeling me in and I said " I want my husband to come with me I wont go if he cant" they assured me he would be in there with me but had to get me prepared first.
well I went into the hospital around 2am by time I got back to delivery room I was dilated to 5cm when they then broke my water with my constant crying the nurses kept insisting me to get an epidural for the pain, I got so mad at them that I literally threw the throw up container on the floor because they kept telling me to get it, anyways after being checked for my dilation and after my water being broken the doctor left the room and I felt the urge to push I went from 5cm to fully dilated in seconds and surprised the nurse who delivered me it was only 2 pushes and my little boy was born at 4am healthy alhumdullilah at 6lbs 3oz.delivery was no big deal the biggest issue was the thought of having to share a room with someone else, alhumdullilah that my husband working in the hospital he was able to get me a room to myself that I didn't have to share with anyone which was the best thing ever because I honestly couldn't imagine sharing a room let a lone the bathroom or shower and having to wait for who ever it is to finish from the bathroom, was it a nice room? not the best but it was comfortable so thank God for everything....
The last question, what things do I miss most from home?:
what are some of the things I miss? well mostly my family I miss them a lot I miss not being able to call when ever I want and visit them when I want that is the biggest thing I miss, and then there are the things that many people complain and take for granted once they don't have them well some do but not everyone....
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something I miss a lot is the snow.... |
like one thing I miss the snow so much a few days after I left to come to Saudi Arabia it snowed everywhere I was so disappointed I was hopping for at least to be snowed in at the airport, when I visited America in October it snowed a few days after I came back to Saudi Arabia from my visit and to be honest I'm pretty jealous of America's winter this year lol I would have been so thrilled to have all the snow they had this year but then again I didn't have to deal with it so maybe it would be different if I had to be there for it all.
Another thing I miss is the rain the number of times I have seen rain here are literally a countable many times probably about 4 times have I seen it rain and not much but when it rains it floods pretty bad because of the lack of the proper drainage and sewage system here the last thing I miss here is of course all of the fast food and restaurants in America but you know slowly Saudi Arabia has started getting some of my favorite restaurants such as "Ihop" I was so excited the first thing I wanted to order was something that had "Ham,bacon, and sausage" its been such a long time to have all 3 in one plate and it was pretty enjoyable even though the bacon was a bit chewy lol...
I also miss all the couponing I used to do I always loved trying to find a good deal to dropping prices or to getting stuff for free here its kind of hard to order stuff and have it sent to your house since there is no address system here yet insha'allah they do this soon it would be really nice to be able to order a pizza or Chinese and have it delivered to your door :)
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how it looks after an hour of rain..
So those are the answers I am asked frequently and thought i'd take the time to answer them, I'm moving to another city next week called "Al-khobar" which is 4 hours away from the capital "Riyadh" and closer to another country called "Bahrain" which I kind of look forward to I hear they have cinemas there and there are a lot of Americans and westerners there so it would be nice to visit insha'allah I will also be closer to a dear from who lives in Riyadh who I haven't seen in 6 years so it will be nice to catch up on everything.
We have so much to do once we move that's one of the things I hate about moving is 1 the packing and we are flying instead of driving this time so hopefully it will be an easy transition because we will be looking for a preschool for my oldest and I'm kind of ready for that but at the same time Im going to miss him a lot as much as he drives me crazy throughout the day,but over all I am really enjoying my life here in Saudi Arabia Alhumdullilah a lot of heartaches and struggles but that's the way life is always full of ups and downs but best thing is to keep faith in Allah which is something I try very hard to do.
Alhumdullilah for everything I really love life here!
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I'm in love with the beautiful architecture here ... |